Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday November 5, 2012......Shoulders+Abs

Warm Up: Shoulder Windmill

Utilizing kettlebells is a great way to develop rotator cuff strength in order to rehab and prevent shoulder issues.  Kettle-bell Turkish get ups, and windmills build a tremendous amount of stability and strength in the rotator cuff.  Check out this video and remember to start very light and slow and work range of motion and technique before adding weight

Wod #1
Shoulder press: 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5

Wod #2
50 Hollow rocks
50 Sit ups
50 V-sit ups w/medball


  1. Jim, good luck with your new job!!! We are going to miss you!

  2. Jim and Suzanne did fine with Ruckus, piece of cake and no major injuries! We had a good group of about 12 people. Henry's wife finished 2nd in her age group.

    CF Southie has all the garage games WOD's posted, we did two of them yesterday. You guys would like this one.

    “Awful Waffle”
    40 Calories (Row)
    35 Double Unders
    30 Kettlebell swings (1.5/1)
    25 Hand release push-ups
    20 Deadlifts (225,145)-strip bar when done
    15 hang power cleans (135,95)
    10 shoulder to overhead (135,95)

    13 minute cut-off
    Scaled – 70 singles, KB (1,26), DL (185,95), HPC & STOH (95/65)
