Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday 4/30/14....Deadlifts,squats,kte,run

Conditioning WOD:

21 Deadlift
50 air squats
25 KTE
Run 400
15 Deadlifts
50 air squats
25 KTE
Run 400
9 Deadlifts
50 air squats
25 KTE
Run 400

#Crossfit - True Squat!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday 4/29/14... 3 RFT - KB,T2B, run 200....3 RFT - 10 pull ups, 15 burpees....3 RFT - 5 STOH, 30 DUBS

Conditioning WOD:

3 Rounds for time
20 KB swings
10 TTB
200 Run

*rest 2 minutes

3 Rounds for time
10 chest to bar pull ups
15 burpees

*rest 2 minutes

3 rounds for time
5 shoulder to overhead (heavy.. strict, push or jerk)
30 DUBS (120 singles)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday 4/28/14...SWOD: Power cleans; WOD: 3 Rounds - thrusters + HPC

SWOD: Power Cleans
Spend 15 minutes finding your 1 rep max

3 Rounds for time:

30 thrusters (75/55)

30 hang power cleans

Eat Meat Not Wheat - women's racerback burnout

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saturday 4/26/14.... 6 rounds - run, push press, deadlift, burpee

Warm up: 3 rounds
20 squats
20 lunges


6 Rounds for time: 
Run 200/ Row 250
12 Push press
10 Deadlift
8 Burpees

so true

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday 4/25/14....SWOD - back squat, Metcon- DB snatch, Farmer walk, wallball

Warm up: run/walk 200 meters on incline 10-15

SWOD: Back squat 10x5

Metcon: 5 rounds for time
10 DB snatch
45 meter farmers walk
10 wallballs
45 meter farmers walk

*look at these pants!!

Squat like your ass depends on it. This would be a particularly good pair of pants to use to study BIOL214

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday 4/24/14..."Thrubbin"

SWOD: 5 rounds- max reps
weighted pull ups

Metcon: for time


400 meter run
15 thrusters (65/95)
50 dubs/200 singles
400 meter run
12 thrusters
40 dubs/160 singles
400 meter run
9 thrusters
30 dubs/120 singles
400 meter run
6 thrusters 
20 dubs/80 singles
400 meter run
3 thrusters
10 dubs/40 singles
400 meter run

Time! #CrossFit #humor #funny #fitness #other

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday 4/23/14.... wednesday rappin

Conditioning WOD......for total reps

AMRAP 6 min.
7 Power Cleans 95/65
10 Push ups
rest 1 minute

AMRAP 6 minutes
7 Push Press 95/65
10 sit ups
rest 1 minute

AMRAP 6 minutes
7 SDLHP 95/65
10 squat jumps

The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Health

The most important thing you can do for your health The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Health
I’ve written a lot before about diet and finding ways to reduce the toxins you are exposed to in everyday life, but there is one simple, easy, and free thing you can do that immediately boosts health: sleep!
My father in law is fond of saying that it is the one thing that all the health gurus across the board can agree with. Some may advocate eating no meat or all meat, no dairy or tons of raw dairy, all raw veggies or only cooked, but they all agree that sleep is important and with good reason.
I’m yet to see a doctor, nutritionist or health expert suggesting that the way to optimal health is through limiting sleep or finding ways to sleep less but statistically that is exactly what many of us (me too *ahem*) try to do all to often.
On the flip side, if you want to gain weight, shorten your life, get wrinkles, stress your organs and increase your likelihood of injury, you can have all that and more by simply not sleeping enough!

What Happens When You Don’t Sleep?

Sleep is important for optimal health in so many ways. The National Institutes of Health list some of the reasons:
  • “Sleep plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.
  • Sleep deficiency also increases the risk of obesity. For example, one study of teenagers showed that with each hour of sleep lost, the odds of becoming obese went up. Sleep deficiency increases the risk of obesity in other age groups as well.
  • Sleep helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you don’t get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you’re well-rested.
  • Sleep also affects how your body reacts to insulin, the hormone that controls your blood glucose (sugar) level. Sleep deficiency results in a higher than normal blood sugar level, which may increase your risk for diabetes.
  • Sleep also supports healthy growth and development. Deep sleep triggers the body to release the hormone that promotes normal growth in children and teens. This hormone also boosts muscle mass and helps repair cells and tissues in children, teens, and adults. Sleep also plays a role in puberty and fertility.
  • Your immune system relies on sleep to stay healthy. This system defends your body against foreign or harmful substances. Ongoing sleep deficiency can change the way in which your immune system responds. For example, if you’re sleep deficient, you may have trouble fighting common infections.”
Harvard Medical School echoes some important reasons to get enough sleep:
  1. “Learning and memory: Sleep helps the brain commit new information to memory through a process called memory consolidation. In studies, people who’d slept after learning a task did better on tests later.
  2. Metabolism and weight: Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.
  3. Safety: Sleep debt contributes to a greater tendency to fall asleep during the daytime. These lapses may cause falls and mistakes such as medical errors, air traffic mishaps, and road accidents.
  4. Mood: Sleep loss may result in irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate, and moodiness. Too little sleep can also leave you too tired to do the things you like to do.
  5. Cardiovascular health: Serious sleep disorders have been linked to hypertension, increased stress hormone levels, and irregular heartbeat.
  6. Disease: Sleep deprivation alters immune function, including the activity of the body’s killer cells. Keeping up with sleep may also help fight cancer.”

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday 4/22/14....5 Rounds of Helen

Warm up: 4 rounds
10 jumping pull ups
10 push ups

Conditioning WOD: 5 Rounds for time of "Helen"

Run 400
21 KB swings
12 pull ups

baby's first crossfit workout. #WOD #kettlebell

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday 4/21/14.... "Hitting the Gas"

Warm up: Run 400

then Conditioning WOD:

For Time:

3 Rounds: 10 Bench press
                   10 Renegade Rows

then Run 800 meters

3 Rounds: 10 Back squat
                   10 Box jumps

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sunday 4/20/14 "Happy Easter"

WOD #1: AMRAP-12
5 Front squats
10 Ball slams
15 Dubs

WOD #2 1/2 hour spin w/Jaime

**We should meet at 8:15

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday 4/19/14...."Lunging Annie"

Warm up: Tabata
push ups

Conditioning WOD: "Lunging Annie"

sit ups
DUBS (x4 for singles)
*30 lunges after each round

Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday 4/18/14..."Broomstick Mile"

Warm up: 50 partner slamball tosses 20/30

"Broomstick Mile": use a PVC, body bar or 45#bar

25 Back squats
25 Front squats
25 Overhead squats
Run 400
25 Shoulder press
25 Push press
25 Push jerk
Run 400
50 Hang cleans 
Run 400
50 Snatches
Run 400

#WOD #CrossFit #haha !

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday 4/17/14... 10 Rounds - 10 deadlift,10 push ups, 10 KB swings

Warm up: 4 rounds
20 sit ups
20 back extensions
20 air squats

WOD: 10 Rounds for time

10 deadlift
10 push ups
10 KB swings

*option: run 200 after each round or 400 on the evens


Surprise! Why common mustard is one of the healthiest cancer-fighting foods you'll ever discover

Sunday, April 13, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)
Tags: mustardanti-cancer foodsAmerican diet
eTrust Pro Certified
(NaturalNews) Most of the packaged, processed foods sold at the grocery store are sheer garbage, loaded with HFCS, MSG, aspartame and GMOs. There are some striking exceptions to this rule, however, and today I want to bring your attention to mustard.

Simply put, mustard is possibly the most nutrient-rich, anti-cancer food condiment still available in the western world today. And why is that? Because it's made from mustard seed, and mustard seed contains Allyl Isothiocyanate (AITC).

AITC has been scientifically shown to "strongly inhibit bladder cancer development and progression," according to this 2010 study published in the science journal Carcinogenesis.

But what's even more amazing is that the AITC found in mustard seeds actually blocks the cancer-causing compounds added to processed meats such as hot dogs (in the form of sodium nitrite). According to this 2010 study in the International Journal of Toxicology, "AITC protected HepG2 cells against Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects caused by nitrite and the Nitrosamines."

What this means is that the cancer-causing attributes of hot dogs can be partially blocked by eating mustard with the hot dog. Just remember, of course, that the hot dog itself, the hot dog bun and the potato chips typically served with hot dogs are all useless junk foods, often containing toxic additives.

Numerous anti-cancer ingredients

The bizarre position of the pharma-funded mainstream media, by the way, is that there is no such thing as an anti-cancer food. The official position of the FDA is that there is no such thing as a food, herb, seed or supplement that has any effect whatsoever on preventing disease. Both of these positions are patently absurd, of course, and those who attempt to defend such nonsense only discredit themselves. (Arguing that there's no such thing as anti-cancer foods is about as silly as arguing the Earth is flat.)

In truth, anti-cancer compounds are found throughout the food supply: in carrots, oranges, celery, broccoli, grapes, nuts and more. They happen to be highly concentrated in mustard seeds, too, and typical mustard products often contain other ingredients that also show powerful anti-cancer properties.

Case in point: French's 100% Natural Classic Yellow Mustard. The ingredients of French's mustard are refreshingly simple:

Distilled vinegar, water, #1 grade mustard seed, salt, turmeric, paprika spice, natural flavors and garlic powder

Believe it or not, five of these ingredients have anti-cancer properties: vinegar, mustard, turmeric, paprika and garlic. (And no, the French's Foods company didn't pay me to write this. I'm just tellin' it like it is!)

You can search for all the scientific studies on these, by the way. There are hundreds of published studies supporting my statement above.

These ingredients, when added to any meal, make that meal safer to eat. For example, if you're eating BBQ, you're eating cancer-causing carcinogens from the burned meat fats. Adding mustard to your meal helps counter those carcinogens in your digestive tract.

If you wanted to make the meal even safer, you could also add food-based vitamin C supplements and superfoods like chlorella, but mustard is usually much easier to add because it's readily available at American restaurants. (I've conducted original laboratory research, by the way, showing that chlorella and strawberries bind with dietary mercury and help eliminate it from the body.)

Very low in heavy metals

Guess what? I tested French's mustard in the Natural News Forensic Food Lab. The results were really, really clean:

Lead: ZERO
Mercury: ZERO
Cadmium: .03 ppm (almost zero)
Arsenic: ZERO
Aluminum: 3.2 ppm (very low)

In other words, French's mustard qualifies for the A+++ level of clean foods as stated

This makes French's mustard vastly cleaner than superfoods like certified organic cacao, by the way, which often has up to .5 ppm lead and 1-2 ppm cadmium. I'm so impressed with the profile of French's mustard that I'm actually eating their product myself -- and I rarely eat any mainstream packaged foods at all!

Mustard is WAY healthier than ketchup

Compared to ketchup, mustard is so much healthier that there's almost no comparison. Popular ketchup products are often made with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a liquid sugar linked to diabetes and obesity.

Mustard has no such sweetener additives. Its taste, in fact, is purposely bitter, and it's one of the few "bitters" Americans still have in their diets. In a world where much of the food supply has been turned into little more than GMO corn, sugar and salt, mustard remains one of the few whole-seed superfoods commonly consumed in the American diet. It's an "accidental" superfood that Americans don't even consider to be healthful!

In fact, I think it's no exaggeration to say that mustard is one of the few superfoods still keeping many Americans alive in a society full of processed junk food. If not for mustard, I think national cancer rates would be even higher.

Americans don't realize mustard isn't an American food

Middle Eastern and Mediterranean diets are rich with all sorts of dietary "bitters" from spices like turmeric and cumin, but American diets almost universally lack such bitters. In fact, in many ways mustard is one of the few examples where Americans are eating Mediterranean foods but mistakenly thinking it's an American food. In truth, mustard seed has a long and rich history, as stated below from

Mustard seeds can be traced to different areas of Europe and Asia with the white variety originating in the eastern Mediterranean regions, the brown from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, and the black from the Middle East. Mustard seeds are mentioned in ancient Sanskrit writings dating back about 5,000 years ago. They are also mentioned in the New Testament in which the kingdom of Heaven is compared to a grain of mustard seed.

While mustard seeds were used for their culinary properties in ancient Greece, it seems that it was the ancient Romans who invented a paste from the ground seeds, which was probably the ancestor of our modern day mustard condiment. The physicians of both civilizations, including the father of medicine Hippocrates, used mustard seed medicinally.

Mustard seed is one of the most popular spices traded in the world today. As it grows well in temperate climates, the areas that produce the greatest amount of mustard seeds currently include Hungary, Great Britain, India, Canada and the United States.

The bottom line? If you want to stay healthy, make sure your diet includes plenty of real, authentic mustard.

Learn more:

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday 4/16/14.....SWOD: Back squat 3-3-3-3-3-3

SWOD: Back squat 3-3-3-3-3-3 (increasing weight each set)

Conditioning WOD:

ME HSPU (sub for hand stand push ups= shoulder press
*rest 30 seconds
Do 3 round of:
30 dubs+15 pull ups
*rest 30 seconds
*rest 30 seconds
Do 3 rounds of:
30 dubs+15 KB swings
*rest 30 seconds

**your score= total number of HSPU or shoulder presses

High Heels & Crossfit

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday 4/15/14....SWOD: Snatch, WOD: Run 800, 75 thrusters, Run 800

SWOD: EMOM- 6... do 3 snatches (every minute on the minute do three snatches for 6 minutes)

WOD: 1 round

Run 800 meters
75 Thrusters (75/55)
Run 800


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday 4/13/14....Burpees, clean&jerks, squat jumps with bar

Partner warm up: Row 2K
Row 2 K - switching every 250meters while partner holds plate overhead or Run 1 mile - switching every 200 meters

Conditioning WOD: one time through
25 burpees
10 clean & jerks
25 squat jumps w/bar
10 clean & jerks
25 squat jumps w/bar
10 clean & jerks

*or if not enough bars we could do this partner WOD:

 For time:

50 Burpees (1 at a time)

50 Pull Ups (5 reps at a time)

50 Box Jumps (24/20) (5 reps at a time)

100 Push press (10 at a time)

200 Double Unders (20 at a time)
 / 800 singles (100 at a time)
100 KBS  (10 at a time)

50 Box Jumps (24/20) (5 reps at a time)

50 Pull Ups (5 reps at a time)

50 Burpees (1 rep at a time)

So true!!! Always have and always will hate burpees. However that never stops Trisha Bell from making me do them!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday 4/12/14... Strength: bench WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Back squat *20 sit ups w/plate overhead btw rounds

SWOD: Bench press - 5x5 .......then 30 dips

Conditioning WODS:

#1 Partner Row:
Row a 2K w/partner changing every 250 meters while partner holds a plank

#2 WOD:


Back squat

* 20 sit ups w/plate overhead BTW rounds

#crossfit #swole #Fran #kettlebell

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday 4/11/14.....SWOD - 20 rep back squat challenge. WOD: 4 rounds: 12 Deadlifts,21 wallballs,run 200,12 thrusters,21 ball slams, run 200

20 Rep squat challenge - go 5# heavier than last time
last week= Dot- 75#, Linda- 95#, Su- 95#, Mo - 85#, Jan - 80#

Conditioning WOD: 4 Rounds

12 Deadlift (heavy)
21 wall ball
Run 200
12 Thrusters (heavy)
21 ball slams
Run 200

* continued from yesterday.....

More Tips For Weight Loss:

21. Drink a full glass of water before each meal

You will feel full faster and eat less as a result.

22. Eat your protein before your carbs and fat

Protein is very satiating and will fill you up fast.

23. Eat a bit of  healthy fat 15 minutes before each meal

Fat curbs appetite and triggers the release of hormones that let you know that you are full.  You can kickstart these hormones by nibbling on some nuts or dark chocolate before the your meals.

24. Eat hot and hearty soups and stews

Soups and stews are filling. Eat them HOT and slow (prevents overeating).

25. Sprint

Fast, intense, full-body exercise like sprinting has insane thermogenic and EPOC effects on the body.  Basically, it turns your body into a calorie-burning furnace.  Sprinting also builds massive muscle (compare a pic of a sprinter to a marathon runner…scary).

26. Make things difficult for yourself (on purpose)

Why would you ever do this? So you can move more, DUH! Moving burns calories!
27. Buy some Chuck Taylors or ReeBok Olys
You will lift more.  The more weight you move, the more calories you burn and more muscle you build.

28. Drink green tea

Full of antioxidants and a bit of caffeine, both good for fat burning.

29. Chew a few extra chews each mouthful

Chewing has been linked to improvement in digestion and breakdown of food through the release of the saliva enzymes amylase (starch breakdown) and lipase (fat breakdown).

30. Drink black coffee (in moderation)

Coffee offers many benefits to the body, one of which is fat burning, but there are some caveats. You should drink black and organic if possible (or try Bulletproof coffee, it’s amazing). Only buy the best Coffee beans, they are one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the world.

31. Take a digestive enzyme, probiotic, and/or eat fermented food regularly

These products improve gut health and digestion. The better you digest your food the better it is utilized in the body and the less likely it is to be converted into adipose tissue.  Adipose tissue is FAT ladies and gentlemen, the jiggley, cellulitely, unpleasant kind of fat.

32. Perform heavy, complex, functional movements

Anything that trains the body as a whole is going to eat up calories for fuel.  If you are stuck in isolation-land, I implore you to start picking up, carrying, and moving heavy shit on a regular basis. Go big and compound or go home.
lift heavy stuff crossfit style1 1024x726 50 Ways to Lose Weight

33. Avoid liquid food

And yes, that includes protein shakes. You should avoid liquid calories in any form if you are trying to lose weight. We know that drinking calories produce a large insulin shake. We also know that insulin is a storage hormone that signals our body to store calories. Well, do you know where calories get stored? Yup, fat cells.
Disclaimer: if you drink a shake in lieu of eating a meal, then I say it’s not that bad as long as you keep it simple and low-carb. Avoid those 500-calorie oat, peanut butter, and fruit smoothie concoctions (those are for weight gain). If it keeps you from eating shit and you want to drink a shake, then stick with water/whey and drink them slow..

34. Skip the condiments

How did I lose 10 pounds and finally carve out my abs after 2 years of frustration? Dropping ketchup (I also nixed milk). I used to drown my chicken breasts in ketchup; they were swimming. Eliminating this single product allowed me to bust through a stubborn plateau.
Store bought condiments are filled with sugar and other processed crap. There is no reason include them in your diet, especially considering how easy it is to substitute with homemade or organic options. These seemingly small changes are what separates those that have abs and those who don’t.
Stick with organic mustard or homemade ketchup.

35. Drink lots of water

You don’t need to drink as much water as the pundits would have you believe, but for reducing cravings and making us feel full more often, water can be useful. Listen to your thirst; it’s there for a reason.
36. Think hard – Use your brain
Your brain’s primary fuel source is glucose, so obviously it is beneficial to use up as much of it as possible so there isn’t any leftover to be stored as fat.

37. Perform Tabata intervals

A Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.  Pick a movement (Air squat for example) and start a timer.  Perform as many air squats in 20 seconds as possible, then rest.  Go again after 10 seconds of rest. Repeat until 4 minutes is up and 8 rounds have been completed. The Tabata Interval is a brutal, effective, and simple exercise.

38. Replace soda, juice, sweet tea with a soda water and lime (sparkling and seltzer also work)

This is how my sister and I weaned off soda (a long time ago mind you). It allowed us satisfy that craving for carbonation without the calories or sugar. You can even fake it at the club with a soda water and lime—you will still look super-cool and no one will know you are sipping carbonated water.


Relieve stress by turning off your brain and laying around like a fat-lazy Jabba the Hutt.  This is something some of us do well (or too much) and others do terribly (never relax).
Examples of doing nothing include: watching mindless TV, movies, people watching, lying on the beach, napping.

40. Take naps

Sleep is one of the top 5 techniques to living a healthy life.  Naps consist of sleep. Thus naps do a body good (milk does not).

41. Get social

Humans are social animals and have thrived as a species by staying together. The benefits of enjoying time with friends and family are enormous. Anything that improves happiness can also help you lose weight by reducing stress.

42. Fast before you train and/or after you train

The longer you go without food in your body the more you will burn stored fat. Training increases your body’s need for fuel and as a result it will utilize stored fat calories if there is a lack of glucose in your blood stream. Fasting helps with this. You should also fast after training from time to time; mix it up between a post-workout shake and a regular meal with plenty of starchy carbs.

43. Watch your carb intake

This includes sugar, rice, potatoes, fruit, and grains (hopefully no grains). Even good carbs can become bad if you eat too much of them.

44. Take ZMA before bed (Zinc, Magnesium & Vitamin B-6)

ZMA is hands down my favorite supplement. Not only does magnesium aid in weight loss and a host of other body functions, but it improves sleep as well. You will sleep deeper, fuller, and longer. This should be a standard supplement in everyone’s program.
 50 Ways to Lose Weight

45. Do Crossfit

Seriously, everyone can and should do some form of Crossfit.  You can do more WODs, Less WODs, strength-bias, endurance-bias, gymnastics-bias, powerlifting-bias, etc.  It is great for GPP (general Physical Preparedness), and it results in a sexy bod.

46. Utilize active-rest days

Those days where you can barely walk and your back feels like a giant bruise (I heart that feeling) are days that you should avoid training. This is the perfect time for an active rest day.
An active rest day can look like: work mobility, do some light rowing and jogging, work on Oly technique with an empty barbell, foam roll, stretch, etc.
Go at a slow and easy, yet deliberate, pace. This will improve recovery, reduce stress on your body, help recover your CNS, and get your body moving. This also improves fat burning and muscle building.

47. Opt for gluten-free hard cider over gluten-filled beer and opt for liquor+soda water over sugar-filled mix drinks

Beer and mixed drinks are the Antichrist to your abs. A long island ice tea has 780 calories and about 40 grams of sugar.  I used to drink those [Smacks forehead]. 

48. Avoid artificial sweeteners

This includes Splenda, aspartame, and other ‘naturally flavored’ sweeteners.  Sweeteners spike your insulin levels because your brain can’t tell the difference between them and sugar.  Thus the body response ends up being the same. They also might cause cancer. It just makes sense to avoid them.  *Stevia is ok but I would still go light with it.

49. Don’t overtrain

Avoid overtraining at all costs. It saps weight-loss efforts and promotes fat-gain via the huge amounts of cortisol release that causes havoc in your body. Read “8 Signs You Are Overtraining”

50. Plan ahead/pack a lunch

The best way to avoid falling off the wagon and eating junk is to be prepared.  Always have something healthy with you. One-pot, crockpot, and large roasts are great for making a bunch of meals for the week.