Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday 4/13/14....Burpees, clean&jerks, squat jumps with bar

Partner warm up: Row 2K
Row 2 K - switching every 250meters while partner holds plate overhead or Run 1 mile - switching every 200 meters

Conditioning WOD: one time through
25 burpees
10 clean & jerks
25 squat jumps w/bar
10 clean & jerks
25 squat jumps w/bar
10 clean & jerks

*or if not enough bars we could do this partner WOD:

 For time:

50 Burpees (1 at a time)

50 Pull Ups (5 reps at a time)

50 Box Jumps (24/20) (5 reps at a time)

100 Push press (10 at a time)

200 Double Unders (20 at a time)
 / 800 singles (100 at a time)
100 KBS  (10 at a time)

50 Box Jumps (24/20) (5 reps at a time)

50 Pull Ups (5 reps at a time)

50 Burpees (1 rep at a time)

So true!!! Always have and always will hate burpees. However that never stops Trisha Bell from making me do them!

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