Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday 4/4/14.... 3 Rounds: 20 pull ups, 20 box jumps, 20 DB snatch, 40 air squats

Strength: 20 Rep squat challenge (go 5# heavier than last week)
Last week=
Linda-95# (needs to go 10# more next week w/Suze)
Mo - 80#
Jan - 80#

Warm up: Core Work:
weighted sit ups
russian twists
*50 single jumps

WOD: 3 Rounds for time

20 pull ups
20 box jumps
20 DB snatch
40 squats
* option to run after each round

1 comment:

  1. updated squat challenge -
    Strength: 20 Rep squat challenge (go 5# heavier than last week)
    Last week=
    Linda-95# (needs to go 10# more next week w/Suze)
    Mo - 85#
    Jan - 80#

    Today's WOD w/ 200 meter runs
    Jo -45:00 (took a few breaks)
    Dot -24:58 15#
    Amy -22:30 15# Ran 400's
    Mo -25:23 20#
