Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday 4/10/14..... another hero wod - "Michael"

SWOD: Bench Press - work up to a 3 rep max

Michael McGreevey
In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28 2005.


Run 800
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit Ups

TIPS TO LOSE WEIGHT by Colin Stuckert from a

1. Eat a Grain-Free Paleo/Primal diet

If you can't go 100% grain free, you should at the very least, focus on unprocessed whole foods from nature. Weight loss becomes effortless when you are eating real food.

2. Get lots of Sleep

3. Practice Intermittent Fasting (IF): Eat Less Often

I follow the leangains approach: a daily 8-hour feeding window followed by a 16-hour fast. Check it out: Whether you follow a strict fasting protocol or not, you can definitely benefit from skipping meals on a regular basis. Contrary to popular belief, skipping meals can help you you build muscle, and it promotes a list of other health-related benefits.

4. Eat Slow and Chew Your Food Thoroughly

1. You reduce the insulin spike by slowing the release of glucose into your blood stream. This prevents insulin, a storage hormone, from storing calories in your fat cells; more insulin = more fat storage.
2. You eat less. Eating slow makes you feel full faster and avoid taking in extra calories. We all hate that full, bloated feeling. That is the result of eating too fast and not allowing the full trigger enough time to tell your brain to PUT DOWN THE DAMN FORK.

5. Cook Your Food at Home

Restaurant food is just bad. Restaurants use cheap salt, sugar, sauces, thickeners, stabilizers and all kinds of other unnatural crap to reduce costs, stay profitable, and keep the food addictive.
The average restaurant margin is well under 5%. You better believe they do everything they can to cut corners and save on food costs.  When this happens, the customer is the one that gets stuck with the health bill.

6. Don’t Drink Calories

When my clients cut out soda/juices/beer they usually see 5+ pound weight-loss results within the first week. Drinking calories elicits a similar negative response on insulin levels that eating your food too fast does. The calories enter your blood stream too quickly and cause an overload of insulin. We are made to chew our food. Avoid drinking calories in any form.

7. Go Completely Gluten-free

This can be life changing. Clean out your pantry and be super picky when eating out (say no to the free bread). This could be the missing link to that lean body you’ve been trying to achieve.

8. Don’t Snack. Snacking is the bane of weight loss

One of the main reasons Intermittent fasting is beneficial is because it regulates your hormone levels and it balances your body between the fasted and fed states. Your body is made to burn fat when in the ‘fasted’ state and made to store calories when in the ‘fed’ state. Every time you put calories in your mouth you are entering the ‘fed’ state and thus shutting off your bodies ability to burn fat by introducing glucose and insulin into your blood stream.

9. Take High Quality Fish Oil With Every Meal

Fish oil contains omega-3’s that help to balance out the omega-6’s that are prevalent throughout our modern diets (especially processed foods). Correcting this balance provides a major benefit to the body, especially weight loss. My favorite brand is Carlson 50 Ways to Lose Weight

10. Take Vitamin D or Get Sunlight Everyday

This could be the missing link in your weight loss efforts. Vitamin D is a necessary hormone in the human body. It is too damn important in too many processes in your body to neglect. Take a vitamin D soft-gel or get 20 minutes of sunlight every day.

11. Reduce Stress at All Costs

Do everything you can to reduce and avoid stress. Every time you get angry, stressed, or freak-out about something it is like taking a bite out of a candy bar. Stress releases cortisol and insulin into your blood stream just like taking a bite of your favorite candy bar. As we discussed earlier, the extra release of insulin halts fat-loss and promotes fat-gain (and cortisol messes shit up also). That’s a bad combination don’t you think? Take a chill pill and BREATHE.

12. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the act of focusing on a single object or task and turning off the rest of the noise (thoughts, worry, stress) going through your head. This helps with number 11 in lowering and preventing chronically raised cortisol and insulin levels. Our hormones get all out of whack as a result of our mind tormenting us with worry, stress, anger, resentment, jealously, and all kinds of other shit we shouldn’t be worrying about.
Some techniques for being mindful: Counting your breath (breath meditation), sitting in a quiet place with the goal of emptying the mind (meditation), going outdoors and focusing on the sights and sounds and tuning out the rest (a form of meditation). I’m not a pro here, just a student, so I suggest you do some more research on your own. A little practice goes a long way.
 50 Ways to Lose Weight

13. Eliminate Sugar

It’s the absolute worst thing you can eat. Remember that fat doesn’t make you fat.  Sugar, seed oils, and processed grains are what make you fat.

14. Eat lots of High-Quality Fat

Fatty fish, grass-fed beef, lamb, bison, coconut oil, olive oil (I prefer it unheated), Kerrygold butter, avocado oil, macadamia oil, ghee, lard (make your own), tallow (make your own). This is the most neglected aspect of diet for most people in our society (thanks to the anti-fat BS dogma). As a result, the majority of people still don’t understand how important fat is to the human body (especially for women and their wacky hormones).

15. Eat lots of High-quality Animal Products

Keywords include: grass-fed, free range, pastured, organic, all-natural, hormone-free, humanely raised, family farms, local.

16. Perform Resistance Training ~3 times a week

You probably already know why this is beneficial. Just do it.

17. Perform High-Intensity Conditioning ~3x Week

Think intervals; short, fast, and hard.  Avoid long distance and moderate paced training as the bulk of your training (it’s useful only sometimes).

18. Walk Everywhere

Take the stairs, park at the end of the parking lot, walk the long way.  We are made to move at a slow pace often. Get up and get moving.
 50 Ways to Lose Weight

19. Play Sports

Great for overall health, mental relief, muscle building, mobility, social development, etc. We have been playing games since the dawn of man.

20. Get Outdoors as Much as Possible

tomorrow I'll post more tips....

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