Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday 4/2/14.... "MR. SPECTACULAR"

Warm up: 400 meter jog
then: 3 rounds
5 jumping pull ups
10 squats
20 lunges


Mr. Spectacular
For time
10x Deadlifts (2x bw)
20x Ball slams (40#/25#)
30x Pull-ups
40x Push press (115#/75#)
50x Sit-ups
10x Power clean (bw)
20x Ring dips
30x Sumo deadlift high pull (115#/75#)
40x Burpees
50x KB swings (53#/36#)

Cash out: 100 russian twists

Awesome WOD...

1 comment:

  1. Did a WOD from last week that we missed..."Barn Burner". Amy thought we should do two rounds - Crikey!
    -here are the scores for one round and then two....
    Amy - 17:00 / 36:40
    Kirsty - 17:10 / 39:11
    Mo - 21:00 / 40:03 (ran all 200's for second round, otherwise I'd still be running)
