Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday 6/26/14....SWOD: Bench, WOD: pick one

SWOD: Bench press - find your 1 rep max

WOD#1: for time

50 DUBS/200 singles


Bench press (60% of your 1 RM)
Inverted row (feet on box)

50 DUBS/200 singles


SWOD: Bench Press 5-5-3-3-3
then do 30 dips

WOD #2: AMRAP 25 minutes
5 Bench press
10 renegade rows
25 weighted sit ups (use med ball held overhead)

from Natural News

llnesses Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency
Historically, health care professionals have focused on Vitamin D in regards to the health of teeth and bones and as a prevention against the development of osteoporosis. However, modern research is discovering links between a whole variety of illnesses and Vitamin D deficiency. Below is a discussion of which illnesses are linked to this condition.
1- Chronic kidney disease: Dr. Holick also points out a strong link between chronic kidney disease and Vitamin D deficiency, especially in patients undergoing dialysis. These renal patients must be treated with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 or its analogues to support calcium metabolism, since they are unable to make the active form of Vitamin D. This supplementation helps reduce the risk of bone disease associated with renal failure and also regulates parathyroid hormone levels.
2 – Diabetes: The link between Vitamin D and Type I diabetes is not fully understood. A study recently published in The Lancet was conducted in Finland on 10,366 children who were given 2000 international units (IU’s) of Vitamin D3 on the first day of their life. This children were tracked into early adulthood and it was found that the overall risk of developing Type I Diabetes had been reduced by 80%.
3 – Asthma: Vitamin D has been shown to reduce the severity of asthma attacks in children. A recent Japanese study of school children showed that 1200 IU’s of Vitamin D daily significantly lowered their chances of a severe attack. This research may prove a promising lead in helping to treat this serious respiratory condition.
4- Cardiovascular disease: The link between various forms of heart disease and Vitamin D is only just now being understood. It has been shown that congestive heart failure (and disease particularly prevalent in the elderly) has been associated with this deficiency. Also, recent Harvard University research found that women with low Vitamin D levels had a 67% greater risk for developing high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart attacks.
5-  Schizophrenia and depression: Children are at a lower risk for developing these serious mental health conditions later in life if their mothers take sufficient Vitamin D during pregnancy and if they themselves receive adequate levels during childhood. This is believed to be because sufficient amounts satisfy the Vitamin D receptors in the brain which are crucial for brain development and mental function as a child matures.
6 – Cancer: Researchers from the Georgetown Medical Center recently presented a study at the American Association for Cancer Research which showed a connection between high Vitamin D levels and a reduced risk for breast cancer. In this study, increased doses of this Vitamin were linked to a 75% reduction in overall cancer growth and a 50% reduction in tumor cases in cancer patients. It is believed that this supplementation has the capacity to help control the growth and development of tumors, especially in estrogen-sensitive breast cancer.

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