Saturday, August 30, 2014




12 DEADLIFT (155/105)
9 HPC 155/105
6 PUSH JERKS (155/105)

one athlete completes all the deadlifts, HPC and jerks.  Then passes to partner to complete all the reps. That is one round.

Friday, August 29, 2014



2. EMOM X14



*1.5 PODD= 54#
  2 POOD =73#

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday 8/27/14....1.Jerk- 1RM, 2. squat- 3 accessory work

2015 Open Athletes

1. Jerk
1 RM

2. Squat
5 RM back squat
5 RM front squat

3. Accessory work
w/a partner complete 2 rounds
20 deadlift 185/135
20 SDLHP 185/135
20 stiff leg deadlift 185/135
20 double russian KB swings
* one partner completes 20 reps while the other rests

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday 8/26/14...1.Cleans 2.cement mixer

2015 Open Athletes

1. Cleans
a. max set of unbroken touch and go squat cleans (165/115)
rest 3 minutes
b. max set of unbroken touch and go squat cleans (185/135)
rest 3 minuutes
c. max set unbroken touch and go squat cleans (205/145
* no resting on ground or in hang position - front rack is ok

2. cement mixer
7 rounds
on the 3 minute
run 400
12 TTB
*record times for every round

Foods scientifically proven to kill cancer

(NaturalNews) In order to defeat cancer and ensure there is no recurrence, the body must be brought into balance and the immune system rebuilt and fine tuned. So how is this feat accomplished? Detox, detox, detox and achieve a slightly alkaline pH, while filling the body with the best, organic, nutritionally dense food available. Your goal is to rebuild a killer immune system as you bathe every non-cancerous cell in your body with nutrition.

For specific foods known to eliminate cancer, check out the following list:

Omega 3

Oily fish, fish oil, flax seed oil, hemp oil, and healthy oil blend supplements provide omega 3 fatty acids (and other beneficial fatty acids), which fight inflammation and make the body less hospitable to cancer cells. Vitamin D is also known to kill cancer, and you can find many fish oils and some vegan oil blends with vitamin D in them.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, watercress, kale, collard greens, cauliflower, bok choy, turnips, rutabagas, radishes, arugula, and more. These vegetables contain sulforaphane and other helpful compounds, which help fight tumors, breast, prostate, brain, and colorectal cancers, as well as leukemia. Broccoli sprouts and mature broccoli in combination really pack nutritional, cancer fighting punch.


Black raspberries appear to reign supreme, though all berries contain cancer fighting phytonutrients and high amounts of ellagic acid, which inhibit tumor growth.

Maitake and Shiitake Mushrooms

Google maitake mushrooms and cancer and the American Cancer Society pops up at the top of the search list. For one brief moment it seemed they might actually be doing their job, but no. They claim there have been no studies to show that maitake or any other mushroom help fight cancer. Continue your search and study after study reveals they do indeed.

Mushrooms boost immune function and are a great source of antioxidants. They are also rich in vitamins C and B vitamins as well as calcium and other minerals.


Curcumin, found in turmeric, inhibits the spread of cancer (metastases) along with its anti-inflammatory and oxidative effects. Tumeric can be found at farmer's markets in root form. It can be used liberally to spice your food (great on salads or in salad dressing as well as in cooked dishes) with no side effects.


The active compounds found in tomatoes, carotenoids and lycopene (especially lycopene), are very helpful, especially in the fight of prostrate and pancreatic cancer in men. Seven to ten helpings are week are suggested, both cooked and raw juice. To gain the health benefits of juice, make your own. Store bought tomato juice will be pasteurized. Lycopene is a strong antioxidant.


Egg yolks, avocadoes, apricots, green leafy vegetables, and pumpkin are among the foods rich in folate. For meat eaters, chicken livers are very high in folate. Studies involving folate or its synthetic form, folic acid, show a significant reduced risk of colorectal cancer. Folate or folic acid ?is essential for the body to correctly replicate DNA.


Even the National Cancer Institute admits garlic "...may reduce the risk of developing several types of?cancer, especially cancers of the?gastrointestinal tract".
Garlic reduces inflammation, fights free radicals, and fights cancer. Eat it raw or chop it up and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before cooking with it or its beneficial compound, allicin, will not be released.


The compound found in red grapes, resveratrol, is a powerful antioxidant that also saves cells from oxidant-caused death. Grape seeds have huge benefits. We recommend you don't eat grapes without seeds.


An alkaline, balanced diet with plenty of nutrition, and as few toxins as possible, makes the body inhospitable to cancer. Sugar feeds cancer. Processed and refined foods feed cancer. Raw, organic vegetables, especially when grown for maximum nutrient content (as opposed to large scale farming) should be the foundation of any healthy diet. We also recommend that anyone with cancer undergo a full body detox with a supplement regimen specifically designed for your current state of health. For more information on what to do for cancer, check out the first three sources. For information on detoxifying, check out Cheap And Easy Detox Diet Plan.

  • Monday, August 25, 2014

    Monday 8/25/14.... "The Chief"

    2015 Open athletes WOD

    1. Squat
       7 RM back squat
       7 RM front squat

    2. "The chief"
       5 RFT
       AMRAP- 3
    3 power cleans (135/95)
    6 push ups
    9 air squats
    1 minute rest BTW rounds

    *your score= total rounds, only full rounds count!

    Sunday, August 24, 2014

    Sunday 8/24/14 Rest Day :)

    this was suppose to be a rest day but we did this metcon instead:

    20 SDLHP
    20 Pull ups
    20 sit ups(plate overhead)
    200 meter run

    Suzanne- 36:05
    Mo - 37:08

    Friday, August 22, 2014

    Saturday 8/23/14... "31 heroes"

    Teams of 2

    8 thrusters (155/105)
    6 rope climbs
    11 box jumps
    * one partner is always running with 45/25# plate

    – Partner #1 will perform the work listed above. Partner #2 will run 400m with a sandbag (45/25). Once Partner #2 returns from the run, Partner #1 will grab the sandbag and begin their 400m, while Partner #2 continues work wherever #1 left off.
    Score is your total # of reps
    This WOD was created specifically to honor the 30 men and one dog that gave their lives for our country on August 6, 2011. It is 31 minutes long—one minute in remembrance of each hero. The rep scheme is 8-6-11—the date of their ultimate sacrifice. Finally, this is a partner WOD. The men who gave their lives were from multiple branches of our military, working together as a team.  In the workout you and your team member will constantly be taking the load from each other providing much needed support and relief. We realize that no physical sacrifice made during a workout can come close to the sacrifice our brave heroes made, but we consider this WOD a CrossFitters “moment of silence.” This is how we can honor those that gave all in the name of freedom.

    Friday 8/22/14 - Competetors WOD

    1. Squat
       Front squats 10x3 across

    2. 3 RFT
       75 DUBS
       50 air squats
       25 calorie row

    Wednesday, August 20, 2014

    Thursday 8/21/14...Recovery Day or Metcon

    2015 Open Athletes -  Recovery Day


    30 DUBS/150 singles
    3 Hang power cleans 155/105
    300 meter run
    6 Hang power cleans
    15 GHD sit ups
    9 Hang power cleans
    15 GHD sit ups
    6 Hang power cleans
    300 meter run
    3 Hang power cleans
    30 DUBS

    Wednesday 8/20/14...Competetors open WOD

    1. Deadlift
      1 RM

    2. squats
    Front squats
      7x5 across

    3. EMOM-7
      3 squat cleans - you choose the weight

    from The Organic Authority:

    Sucking down juice and only juice for 5 days straight is so 2010. Think that’s the only way to detox? Tsk, tsk! You can still flush out your system without starving yourself. Try incorporating these natural detoxifiers into your diet on a daily basis to feel refreshed in no time.
    Broccoli Sprouts
    Take the sprouts, leave the broccoli head. Broccoli sprouts are super high in antioxidants that help detox enzymes in the digestive tract.
    Vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins around, so it’s no surprise lemons, oranges and limes made our list. The enzymes help to clear the digestive tract and cleanse the liver. Try drinking a warm glass of lemon water daily.
    Since fruit already has such wonderfully-high liquid content, it works wonders for your system. Plus, fruits are easy to digest, high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and vitamin C. Fiber is especially important for cleansing your digestive system because it expands to sweep the intestines clean. You can gently cleanseyour system by eating plenty of bananaspearsapples,strawberriesblackberriesgrapefruitoranges, dates, figs and plums. Pst… pick the juicier fruits.
    It may be stinky, but by just adding raw or cooked garlic to your food you’re helping to filter out residual toxins.
    Green Food
    Remember when your mom told you to eat something green every day? Do it. And make sure some are leafy greens like kale, spinach, arugula and even wheatgrass or blue green algae. The chlorophyll will boost your digestive tract to eliminate toxins.
    Green Tea
    This well-known healthy drink washes out toxins with its special antioxidants called catechins, which also increase liver function. Win-win.
    Mung Beans
    These tiny beans pack a big punch as they absorb residual toxins along the intestinal walls.
    Omega-3 Oils
    Avocado, olive oil and flax seed oil… sounds good to us! These items are high in Omega-3s which help lube up the intestinal walls and absorb the toxins.
    Raw Veggies
    Since onions, carrots, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, beets, turmeric and oregano are all high in sulphur and glutathione, they help to rid your liver of harmful toxins.
    And lots and lots of it.

    Tuesday, August 19, 2014

    Tuesday 8/19/14...... Strict Press Biathlon

    "Strict Press Biathlon"

    800 meter run
    21 unbroken strict press (115/75)
    800 meter run
    18 unbroken press (115/75)
    800 meter run
    15 unbroken strict press

    *200 meter penalty must be completed any time the press is broken!

    Monday, August 18, 2014

    Monday 8/18/14....Competetor WOD: front squats then "Karabel"

    1. Squat:
    Front squat 5x7 across

    10 Rounds for time:
    3 power snatch 135/95
    15 wall balls

    Sunday, August 17, 2014

    Saturday, August 16, 2014

    Saturday 8/16/14...squats 10x3 then 5RFT: 8TTb,8 DB thrusters, 14 DB walking lunge

    1. Squats
        10x3 back squats

    2. 5 RFT:
        8 TTB
        8 DB thrusters (35/25)
        14 DB walking lunge 35/25  

    Friday, August 15, 2014

    Friday 8/15/14....squat, deadlift

    Competitors WOD:

    1. squat
        7x5 back squats

    2. deadlift: 3RM

    3. EMOMx14
        odd= 7 deadlift @70% of you 3RM
        even=200 meter run

    Leg day Crossfit

    Conditioning WOD:

    Back squats
    *Do 20 sit ups with plate held over head in between rounds

    Thursday, August 14, 2014

    Thursday 8/14/14....2015 open athletes wod: "Double Grace"

    "Double Grace"

    60 Clean & Jerks (135/95)


    METCON - 5 Rounds for time
     5 Squat cleans
     25 Push ups
     200 meter run

    Milk Thistle for Liver Health

    (NaturalNews) Our modern world is bombarding our bodies with thousands of toxins each day, and the liver, being the major organ of detoxification, needs help. And milk thistle is an herb proven to do just that.

    Milk thistle's benefits on liver and gallbladder health have been recognized by herbalists for 2,000 years. In the first century AD, Pliny, a Roman naturalist, said that milk thistle was "excellent for carrying off bile". In other words, it helps restore impaired liver function.

    Many recent studies have validated milk thistle's ability to improve liver health and function and even help treat various liver conditions and disorders. Such therapeutic effects have been verified both via biopsies and lab and clinical data.

    Milk thistle has liver-protective effects because silymarin, compounds found in the herb, has an effect on liver cell membranes, helping to prevent viral toxins and other toxic substances from getting into liver cells and damaging them. Milk thistle also aids in the removal of such harmful substances from cells.

    Further, silymarin stimulates liver regeneration, and this helps people who are suffering from different types of liver ailments. Indeed, in 1986, the Commission E in Germany "approved an oral extract of milk thistle standardized to 70% crude silymarin content as a treatment for liver disease."

    Quick rundown of milk thistle's liver benefits

     Cirrhosis is serious liver damage that can result from drug abuse, alcohol overuse or diseases like hepatitis, and research suggests milk thistle could boost the quality of life and life expectancy of sufferers.

    • Research suggests silymarin helps halt fibrosis.

    • Milk thistle could be the best-studied herb for hepatitis. And studies have revealed that it benefits sufferers of both hepatitis B and C. Other than viral hepatitis (both chronic and acute), milk thistle also helps in hepatitis cases brought on by alcohol or toxic substances. Some benefits observed for hepatitis were reduced liver damage and symptoms, plus increased platelet and white blood cell counts.

    • As it regenerates the liver, milk thistle is useful for persons recovering from drug or alcohol addiction - studies have suggested it helps the liver return to healthy function. It even seems to improve the mood and energy levels of recovering persons.

    • Milk thistle can also help counter the adverse effects of alcohol on the liver. These include nausea, appetite loss and alcohol-induced cirrhosis. Clinical studies have shown that silymarin "improves liver function tests and protects liver cells against oxidative damage in people with alcohol-related liver disease." But research also suggests, when it comes to liver health, it is better for alcoholics to quit drinking totally than to continue their habit and take milk thistle.

    • Many prescription medications have toxic effects which burden the liver, and milk thistle can help protect this important organ, especially in cases of long-term drug use. Indeed, in parts of Europe, milk thistle is often used together with prescribed medicines with known adverse effects on the liver.

    • Milk thistle can also help protect persons exposed to harmful toxins at work, for example welders.

    • Mark Stengler, ND, wrote that cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy could use milk thistle extract.

    • Milk thistle helps with sluggish liver, liver congestion and fatty liver.

    • Milk thistle can boost glutathione (a vital antioxidant) levels in the liver by up to 50 percent.

    • Nicholas Culpeper, a well-known pharmacist in the 17th century, recommended the herb for treating jaundice.

    • Significantly, research suggests that milk thistle extracts could, when used intravenously, be an antidote for liver poisoning, including deathcap mushroom poisoning.

    • Milk thistle can help persons undergoing detoxification programs.

    Learn more:

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014

    Spartan Race Pics



    Wednesday 8/13/14...Snatch then "Jackie"

    1. Snatch
        1 RM

    2. Squats
        5x7 back squats

    3. "Jackie"
        Row 1 K
        50 thrusters (45#)
        30 pull ups

    or..... METCON -

    100 DUBS
    25 Burpees
    75 DUBS
    25 kb swings
    50 DUBS
    25 Thrusters (115/75)

    Tuesday, August 12, 2014

    Tuesday 8/12/14...Competitors WOD: PR for Pat

    "PR for Pat".... AMRAP-20
     6 power cleans 185/135
    12 burpees
    18 TTB
    Run 200

    * This is the best banana bread I've made (very moist)

    Perfect Paleo Banana Bread(Recipe adapted from Comfy Belly)
    3/4 teaspoon of baking soda
    3/4 teaspoon baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt
    1 teaspoon cinnamon
    1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
    3/4 cup of almond flour
    1/4 cup of coconut flour
    1/4-1/2 choc chips (I used Enjoy Life mini chips - Good Health or Whole foods carries them)
    2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
    2 large eggs
    2 very ripe medium to large bananas, mashed
    1/4 cup of maple syrup
    1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees and prepare a 9 x 5 loaf pan by either oiling the dish or lining with parchment paper. (I’m a big fan of the parchment paper for easy removal from pan and easy clean up.)
    In a medium bowl, whisk together baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, choc chips and flours. In a separate small bowl, mix together coconut oil, eggs, bananas, maple syrup and vanilla until very well combined.
    Add wet ingredients to the dry and gently mix together until combined. Do not overmix.
    Pour batter in prepared pan and bake for 45-55 minutes or until set in the center and a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool in pan for about 15-20 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.
    Yield: 1 loaf

    Monday, August 11, 2014

    Monday 8/11/14 ..."Competitors WOD- 2015 open athletes

    This is the Competitors WOD for 2015 open athletes. I'm planning on following their programming for the rest of the month. I'll try to post an alternative for the metcon addicts :)

    1. snatch complex:
      5 sets of 3 quick 1 power clean + 3 snatch grip push press from behind neck

    2. squats:
       10x3 front squats

    3. pull ups
       3 sets of unbroken C2B pull ups

    4. for time
        21 front squats 135/95
        21 KB swings 70/53
        400 meter run
        15 front squats
        15 KB swings
        400 meter run
        9 Front squats
        9 KB swings
        400 meter run 

    Sunday, August 10, 2014

    Sunday 8/10/14...Rest day / make up day

    Good luck today in the Spartan Race!

    Amy Paul and Diane

    NaturalNews) Just when you thought that the health benefits of blueberries couldn't be any more plentiful, new research has found that freezing the superfood actually increases the berry's nutritional content.

    Graduate student Marin Plumb, a food science major at South Dakota State University, found that frozen blueberries are equally nutritious as fresh blueberries, even after six months of freezing.

    Plumb's experiment involved observing antioxidant levels in blueberries frozen for one, three and five months. After comparing the antioxidant content of frozen berries to fresh berries, she found no decrease in the nutritional value of the frozen berries.

    In fact, Plumb noted that freezing actually increased the anthocyanin concentration.

    "The ice crystals that form during freezing disrupt the structure of the plant tissue, making the anthocyanins more available," Plumb explained.

    Anthocyanins are a group of antioxidant compounds that provide various systems in the human body with protection.

    Blueberries may be the world's healthiest food

    "Blueberries go head to head with strawberries and pomegranates in antioxidant capacity," said Plumb's research adviser, professor Basil Dalaly, who teaches a course on phytochemicals, the naturally occurring chemical compounds in fruits and vegetables.

    When it comes to eating healthy foods, "the greener or redder, the better," added Dalaly.

    It's no coincidence that people associate bright color with nutrition. Anthocyanin, which works wonders in our bodies, is also the colorful pigment that gives many foods their color.

    Organic blueberries have higher nutritional content than conventional berries

    Don't believe industry studies that claim organic food is equal in nutrition to conventional; it's simply not true.

    A study directly compared the total antioxidant capacity of organically grown versus non-organically grown blueberries and found that the organic blueberries had significantly higher concentrations of phenol antioxidants and total anthocyanin antioxidants than conventional berries.

    Below are 8 reasons to consume blueberries daily

    Improving memory/motor function - One study found that older adults (average age 76) fed blueberries daily for 12 weeks (2-2.5 cups per day) performed better on two different cognitive function tests, which included memory, than those who hadn't consumed the superfood.

    Eye protection - Blueberries have been proven to protect the retina from unwanted sunlight and oxygen damage.

    Heart - Consuming blueberries significantly lowers your risk of developing heart disease by regulating and relaxing arterial elasticity in the vascular wall. They also improve blood flow.

    Reduces risk of Alzheimer's disease/dementia - Anthocyanin improves memory and mental fluidity, and can help protect against brain cell loss. Blueberries also stimulate nerve cell growth and facilitate better communication between nerve cell processes, in turn slowing the aging process.

    Digestion - Blueberries offer antioxidant protection of the digestive tract by combating free radicals, some of which can cause cancer. This superfood plays a significant role in combating colon cancer.

    Protection from toxic heavy metals - Romanian chemists from the University of Bucharest discovered that blueberries protect against heavy metals. Blueberry extract created a force field that acted as a barrier against cadmium, protecting cells from toxic heavy metal damage.

    Blood sugar - Blueberries have a favorable impact on blood sugar, even for diabetics. Those who consumed at least three servings of blueberries a day saw significant improvement in their regulation of blood sugar.

    Nervous system - Blueberries contain a range of different antioxidants, all of which are beneficial to the human body. This range of nutrients provides nerve cells with protection from oxygen damage. Nerve cells are persistently at risk for oxygen damage, thus requiring continuous protection.

    Blueberries are one of our body's greatest allies. Their ability to eliminate free radicals protects us from every day exposure to various forms of pollution, including pesticides, sun exposure and heavy metals.

    The United States is responsible for the world's supply of blueberries, growing 84 percent of the superfood in 2012

    Learn more: