Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday 11/30/15...."Moonshine"

#1. Strength: 3 attempts
     pull ups for max reps

#2. Conditioning: 3 Rounds for time:
   50 DUBS
   25 Thrusters
   200 meter run/row

How Sugar Is Killing You


It’s in almost everything—from dog treats to soups to barbecue sauce and Asian food. Foods that you’d think it wouldn’t be in, it’s there. Sugar has become something of a staple for our society even though it has absolutely zero nutritional value and contributes to a large amount of health problems. This ingredient has a chemical structure so similar to cocaine it’s eerie. And indeed, sugar produces an effect on the brain that’s as strong as a high from cocaine will give you.
This ingredient has become widely acceptable in vitamins, juices, and salad dressings. But next time you read the label, seeing sugar’s many names on there might scare you after reading this.
Sugar Can Contribute to Unregulated Cell Growth (Cancer)
Insulin is an important hormone in our body. Its role is to control the usage of sugars and fats. Insulin is also an important player in the regulation of cell growth. Cancer, one of the biggest killers on the planet today, is the unregulated growth of cells. Many researchers are now looking at sugar as one of the things that could lead to cancer, especially if you meet other risk factors. Sugar is also highly acidic, which means it’s disrupting whether your body’s PH is alkaline or acidic. Alkaline foods such as avocados, spinach, and other veggies and fruits help to keep your body functioning optimally while acidic foods like wheat, meat, sugar, and eggs make your PH more acidic. Cancer essentially feeds on sugar. This is a huge reason why you should stay away from it.
Sugar Is Giving You Periodontal Disease and Tooth Decay
The idea that sugar is bad for your teeth is an absolutely true one—even if left to sit on the teeth for just a few minutes, sugar can cause damage. Multiply these minutes by hours several times a day (or every time you eat sugar) and your teeth are suffering. Since sugar is highly acidic, it wears down the enamel on your teeth. Once this enamel is gone, it doesn’t come back and cannot be replaced. The loss of enamel on your teeth can cause highly sensitive teeth, staining, root and nerve damage, and many other problems. Gum disease (periodontal disease) can also occur from this damage. Studies have shown that your mouth is linked to your heart—take care of it and stay away from sugar to help prevent heart disease.
It’s Contributing to Other Serious Health Problems
Let’s talk about how sugar influences the body. When you eat sugar, your brain lights up with dopamine and essentially says “more”. It’s very addictive, more addictive than cocaine. So you eat more. Your insulin levels get disrupted and get confused about what sugar needs to be stored as fat and what needs to be consumed immediately for energy. Your fat stores increase. Your liver is under pressure to process the glucose and isn’t sure what to do with it in high amounts. Sugar contributes to obesity. Obesity can be linked to many other health problems such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Sugar isn’t helping your body out. The truth is that there’s really no safe amount of sugar. Your body will fare much better with fruits if you’re craving something sweet. There are so many recipes out there that can make use of healthy foods such as dates and bananas to make fabulous things such as vegan ice cream or gluten-free donuts without the sugar. Artificial sweeteners aren’t good either—they’re just chemicals that are not natural to your body. Stay away from sugars and see how great you feel without them!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday 11/28/15 #1. EMOM -ABS, #2. Row, wall ball, KB swings...

#1. EMOM 10
     Odd - sit ups 30 seconds
     Even - plank hold for 30 seconds

#2. Conditioning:

     300 meter row
     30 wallballs
     30 KB swings

     200 meter Farmers walk (35/45/55)
     20 wallballs
     20 KB swings

     100 meter stone carry
     10 wallballs
     10 KB swings
* Do the stone carries the whole length of the gym

** Use 30/40# deadballs or you could use the 35/53# KB
*** The stone carries are held at chest level

Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday 11/27/15..... 100 lunges + KB swing, push ups, pull ups

Conditioning WOD for time:

Walking Lunge 100 ft
21 pull ups
21 push ups
21 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
18 pull ups
18 push ups
18 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
15 pull ups
15 push ups
15 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
12 pull ups
12 push ups
12 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
9 pull ups
9 push ups
9 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
6 pull ups
6 push ups
6 KB swings
* one lunge should be about 3 feet so about 35 lunges should = 100 ft

**last time we did this: 3/5/14 - (I think everyone did pull downs)
Jan - 30:44
Su - 27:40
M0 - 28:46
Kirsty - 36:43 (added 200 meter runs after the KB swings)

 Katelyn - 33;03 on 6/10

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thursday 11/26/15 "Thanksgiving WOD"

#1. Strength: close grip bench 3x10

#2. Metcon: 4 Rounds

15 Hang squat cleans
Run 200
15 Push press
Run 200

* If we have time: Split squats....

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thursday . Back, front, Overhead squats

Warm up: 
#1. EMOM:10
   Even - 20 air squats
   Odd - 20 second hang from pull up bar

#2. Conditioning for time:

Run / Row 400 meters
   then do 5 rounds:
   5 front squats + 25 DUBS

Run / Row 400 meters
   then do 5 rounds:
   5 Back squats + 25 DUBS

Run / Row 400 meters
   then do 5 rounds:
   5 Overhead squats + 25 DUBS

Squat like your ass depends on it. This would be a particularly good pair of pants to use to study BIOL214

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday 11/24/15...thrusters, burpee box jumps sit ups

Conditioning for time:


burpee box jumps
sit ups

or this one.....

9 - 15 - 21

21 - 15 - 9

Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday 11/23/15... Quick Feet: Row, Dubs, walking lunges, sit ups

"Quick Feet"
from crossfit south shore

2,000 meter roe
200 Dubs
100 walking lunges
100 ab mat sit ups

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday 11/22/15...Chipper Day

Filthy 50ish

50 GTOH w/plate
50 v- sit ups w/medball
500 meter ROW
50 ballslams
50 Bench press
50 wallballs
DB snatch - alternating

** We can do the pause squats that we missed on Friday :)

Paleo Brownies

Easy and fast to make
Fudge Brownies..(recipe from Comfy Belly)

Paleo coconut flour brownies


  • 1/4 cup (26 g) coconut flour
  • 3/4 cup (60 g) or more unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup (159 g) maple syrup or honey
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup butter, ghee or coconut oil, melted 
  • 1/3 cup choc chips (I used enjoy life minis)
  • option: nuts or coconut flakes


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F 
  2. Line the bottom of a 8x8 baking pan with parchment paper.
  3. Using a whisk, mixer or food processor, combine the flour, cocoa, salt together.
  4. Add the eggs, maple syrup, and vanilla  and mix well or process in a food processor.
  5. Add the butter or oil in and mix or process until well blended.
  6. Let the batter sit for 5 minutes and blend in choc chips
  7. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the brownies comes out clean.
  8. Cool fully before slicing. They will be very moist when first out of the oven, but upon cooling they firm up. I leave them out for a few hours or overnight before covering them. Store sealed for a few days at room temperature, or in the refrigerator for a few weeks.
Makes 12 squares

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday 11/20/15...... #1. Pause squats; #2. 5 rounds - 7 Deadlift, 30 air squats, Run 200

#1. Strength: Back squats 6x1
     * pause 30 seconds at bottom
** last time: Jo -45#, KT  55#, Mo -55#, Ruthie -30#, Ellen -30#, Suze -75#

#2. Conditioning:
     5 Rounds for time:
     7 Deadlifts
     30 air squats
     200 meter run

#3. Core: 1 minute each
     sit ups
     toes to bar

Photo from peterfrelikmedia

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday 11/19/15... #1.Strength - Bench press; #2. Conditioning - DB snatch + Bench press

#1. SWOD: Bench Press 6x4

#2. Conditioning: 5 Rounds for time
      40 DB snatch (alternating)
      10 Bench press

#3. Core: TABATA
      AB mat sit ups
      Russian twists

3 Common Ingredients That Can Make Your Protein Powder Toxic

Somewhere along the way we have developed an obsession with protein powders. In fact, if most people were to make a list of their top survival needs, protein would rank right up there next to oxygen.
It’s not that protein isn’t important, because it is, but we have put far too much thought into this single nutrient, and ironically, not enough thought into the format in which we tend to consume it. You see, it’s one thing to secure protein sources that contain a lot of protein, and it is a completely different thing to get clean, quality protein sources that are assimilated properly.
With that in mind, let’s focus on protein powders, and 3 common ingredients that have made them toxic to our bodies.

Soy Protein Isolate

Soy protein has been a core ingredient in many protein powders for a long time, probably coming into favour the same time as soy milk as an alternative to conventional dairy. Regardless of its origin, soy has been found to be toxic to the digestive system and creates the following concerns:
  • Disrupts thyroid and endocrine function
  • Interferes with leptin sensitivity which can cause metabolic syndrome
  • Throws off estrogen and testosterone balance
  • Blocks the body’s ability to access key minerals like iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium
It is also estimated that soy is over 95% genetically modified, and one of the most pesticide ridden crops on the market.
This makes any non-organic soy protein (especially isolate) found in protein powders, indigestible and toxic to the human physiology.

Whey Protein Isolate

First of all, whey protein itself can be a quality protein, but the fact remains that there are very few on the market that make the cut.
For example, whey from conventionally raised cows that have been fed non-organic grains and genetically modified foods, and been injected with antibiotics and hormones, are NOT a quality source of protein and this makes up a substantial piece of the market. What is also important to note is that whey in an isolate format is not properly absorbed by the body.
If you choose whey protein, it is vitally important to source whey from raw, grass fed milk, to obtain the majority of its benefits. Grass fed cows are nutritionally superior compared to grain fed, and they contain an impressive amino acid and immune-supportive nutrient profile.

Rice Protein

As with whey protein, the devil is in the details. Although there are protein powders that contain rice protein that are an acceptable source of protein, there are far too many that are not.
Thanks to a report unveiled earlier in 2014 by Mike Adams, we have been able to discover that there are many rice protein powders on the market that have been heavily contaminated with tungsten, cadmium, and lead. It is very conceivable that the reason for this high level of contamination is due to sourcing rice from China, where air pollution can trump the “organic” label placed on many products, including rice.
If you want to know some of the most digestible, complete, and cleanest sources of protein, look into these Top 5 Sources of Plant Protein.