Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday 11/27/15..... 100 lunges + KB swing, push ups, pull ups

Conditioning WOD for time:

Walking Lunge 100 ft
21 pull ups
21 push ups
21 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
18 pull ups
18 push ups
18 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
15 pull ups
15 push ups
15 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
12 pull ups
12 push ups
12 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
9 pull ups
9 push ups
9 KB swings

Walking Lunge 100 ft
6 pull ups
6 push ups
6 KB swings
* one lunge should be about 3 feet so about 35 lunges should = 100 ft

**last time we did this: 3/5/14 - (I think everyone did pull downs)
Jan - 30:44
Su - 27:40
M0 - 28:46
Kirsty - 36:43 (added 200 meter runs after the KB swings)

 Katelyn - 33;03 on 6/10

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