Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday 11/1/5/15.... Chipper Day

#1. Strength -EMOM 10
     Deadlift x5

#2. Pick a chipper

   A. 100 squats                                                
         90 dubs                                                           
        80 wall balls
        70 sit ups
        60 jumping pull ups
        50 KB swings
        40 slam ball
        30 shoulder press
        20 deadlift
        10 burpees                                                                        
50 GTOH w/plate
50 V sit ups
50 KB swings
50 DUBs
50 ball slams
50 wall balls
500 meter row
50 bench press
50 DB snatch

from Dr Axe

Potassium Foods List

Potassium Health Benefits

CrampsOne of the main benefits of consuming high potassium foods is decreased muscle cramping and improved muscle strength.  Muscle cramps are a common side effects of low potassium levels.  This can happen if an athlete becomes dehydrated and isn’t consuming enough potassium rich foods before and after exercise.
Reduced Risk of Stroke
Several observational studies have found that those with high potassium levels experience a lower risk of stroke. The health benefits of potassium are likely through reduction of blood pressure combined with a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
Alleviation of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)Studies show that a diet high in potassium, especially potassium from fruits and vegetables, lowers blood pressure. This is especially true if the increase in potassium foods is not accompanied by an increase in high sodium foods.
Reduced Cellulite AppearanceOne of the main causative factors of cellulite buildup is fluid retention.  Most people consume far too much sodium and not near enough potassium.  Sodium brings nutrients into your cells where potassium helps flush excess waste out of your cells.  For this reason, if you reduce sodium intake and start consuming potassium rich foods you can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Osteoporosis Protection
Several studies have found a relation between increased bone density and increased intake of dietary potassium. These studies were true even for post- menopausal women and older men.

1 comment:

  1. #1. EMOM-10: bench press x4
    Ruthie-55#, El- 50#, Jo-55#, Mo- 65#
    #2. we did chipper A
    Ruthie- 41:45 (26# kb, 20# slamball, 30# press, 65# DL)
    El - 42:06 (20# kb, 15# slamball,20# press, 50# DL)
    Jo- 41:50 (26# KB, 15# slamball, 40# press, 65# DL)
    Mo - 42:20 (35# KB, 25# slamball, 45# press, 95# DL)
