Thursday, March 29, 2012

Friday March 30, 2012

Pick your progression (both amount to the same distance and reps)

400m Run
50 Wall Ball
50 Pull-Ups
50 GHD or KTE
800m Run
30 Wall Ball
30 Pull-Ups
30 GHD or KTE
1,600m Run
20 Wall Ball
20 Pull-Ups
20 GHD or KTE
5 Rounds
Run *
20 Wall Ball
20 Pull-Ups
20 GHD or KTE

* 800m Rounds 1 & 5, 400m 2, 3 & 4.

5 Rounds

40 Double Unders
30 Push-Ups
20 KB Swings
10 Romanian DL

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

2000M Row or Mile Run

15 Thrusters 65/95
15 T2B, KTE or Glute Ham, etc.
15 Box Jumps

400M Run

20 Thrusters
20 T2B, KTE or Glute Ham
20 Box Jumps

400M Run

30 Thrusters
30 T2B, KTE or Glute Ham
30 Box Jumps

800m Run...

4 Rounds
15 Box Jumps
20 KTE
25 Push-Ups

...800m Run

Sunday, March 25, 2012


5 DL
5 Hang Squat Clean
5 Thrusters
5 Push Jerk

RX = 135/95

Friday, March 23, 2012

Run 800m...

30 Lunges
25 Wall Ball
15 Hang Power Cleans
12 Burpees

...Run 800m

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 400m

Double Unders (x2)
KB Swings
GHD, Situps or KTE

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Run 400 m
25 Pull-ups
25 burpee squat clean thruster 95 lb.
25 Dips
50 Box jumps 24″ box
25 Dips
25 Burpee squat clean thruster 95 lb.
25 pull-ups
Run 400 m

Monday, March 19, 2012

Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk

5 Rounds, 95 lbs.

Do as many strict/shoulder presses as you can... switch to push-press (max reps)... then push-jerk max reps), don't drop the bar.


4-5 Rounds

10 Renegade Rows
20 Back Extensions
30 Air Squats

Sunday, March 18, 2012

“The Running Dead”

800m Run
50 Deadlifts  (RX = 135lbs.)
50 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
400m Run
30 Deadlifts
30 Pull-ups
30 Sit-ups
400m Run
20 Deadlifts
20 Pull-ups
20 Sit-ups
400m Run

Saturday, March 17, 2012


400m Run
25 pull-ups
25 KTE or Glute Hams

(for you Maureen)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

For Friday:

20 Min. AMRAP

5 Thrusters
7 Hang Power Cleans
10 SumoDLHP

(RX = 95 lbs.)

... then 4 - 200m runs (or fast as you can go) on treadmill @ 15% elevation.

800 or 400M Run *

15 Pull-Ups
15 Glute Ham or KTE
10 HSPU or Strict Presss

*800m  on 1 & 5, 400m on 2, 3 & 4

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

For Wednesday (Hero Day):


Two rounds for time of:
295 pound Deadlift, 24 reps  (scaling to 185 lbs.)
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
195 pound Bench press, 24 reps  (scale accordingly or swap 95 lb. push-press)
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
145 pound Clean, 24 reps  (scaling to 95 lbs.)

Monday, March 12, 2012


Bench 5-5-5-3-3-3  (thinking of you CFSS with the Bench ;)


10 Rounds

15 Dead Lifts (135 lbs.)
15 KB Swings
15 Push-Ups

Sunday, March 11, 2012

For Monday:


4 Reps of the Barbell Bear complex (95/65)
30 Sit-ups
25 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps

- If you're feeling strong up the weight each round with the Bear.

Posting this early for you Dan, hopefully you can get it in.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Friday, March 9, 2012

Xfit South Shore rock star from his gig in RI last w/e.

Flash Mob

Thursday, March 8, 2012

For Friday:

"The Chief"

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:

3 Power Cleans  (RX = 135 lbs)
6 Push-Ups
9 Squats

- Rest 1 minute.  Repeat for a total of 5 cycles/rounds.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thursday WOD ideas:

Warm Up:

1 mile run &
300 singles (rope)

21-18-15... down to 3  (84 reps of each)

Box Jumps
Hollow Rocks, KTE or Sit-Ups (x2)


Option B:  '300'

  • Pullups - 25 reps
  • Barbell Deadlift with 135 lbs. - 50 reps
  • Pushups - 50 reps
  • 24-inch Box Jumps - 50 reps
  • Floor Wipers - 50 reps
  • Single-Arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps
  • Pullups - 25 reps

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wednesday WOD Options:


400m Run
10 Front Squats (95/65)
40 Walking Lunges
10 Push Jerk (95/65)

or new Hero WOD from HQ:


27 Box Jumps 24" Box
20 Burpees
11 Squat Cleans (145 lbs. = RX)

... maybe we can do both... ;)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tuesday w/o

Deadlift - 5-5-5-3-3-3


Double Unders

Had to post the w/o early, heading into Boston to catch WWE Monday night Raw with Carter and see if we can smell what the Rock is cookin'!

Dan, just saw your post.  We're heading back to 10x in Norwell for the time being (formerly Family Fitness).  We'll try to posting WOD's here and see how it goes.  Hope all is well.

'Walsheau' for today's WOD (135 total reps for each exercise)

Sunday, March 4, 2012



Wall Ball
KB Swings
Hang Power Clean

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Last WOD @ Gut Check this morning :( but it was a good one
3 bars of death up and down…
Dead Lift
Push Press
1,2,3… until 10, then back down… 9,8,7… (only did 10 once)
300 total reps. Great WOD, gonna miss Dave and Bonnie much, lots of great memories from the past 14 months @ GC as well as MBX and Family Fitnesss!

Friday, March 2, 2012

21-15-9 rep rounds for time of:
Hang Snatch 95/65

One more day at the real CFSS / GC box.... sad day!