Monday, March 12, 2012


Bench 5-5-5-3-3-3  (thinking of you CFSS with the Bench ;)


10 Rounds

15 Dead Lifts (135 lbs.)
15 KB Swings
15 Push-Ups


  1. 155, 155, 155, 175, 175, 175

    then... slow and painful

    15 DL (135lb)
    15 KB (53lb)
    15 PU


  2. That was a tough one. I think that I did 185, 185, 185, 205, 205, 205
    We then did bench for max reps reducing the weight by 10 lbs. each time starting with 125.
    After that we did the Metcon at a turtles pace.

  3. That was a good WOD, Dave would be proud of us, tons of bench reps ;) Bri really kicked ass with the bench, plus we did the heavy on the incline bench. I only got up to 175 lbs.

    Max reps flat bench, stacked 4 - 10 lb. plates on each side of the barbell (wasn't really stacking, 4 small 10 lb plates lol). then dumping 20 lbs. (10 per side) after maxing out, a lot tougher than it sounds. Last set just maxing out with the bar my chest/arms was shaking!

    Metcon took quite a while Dan, you definitely beat our times!

    Maureen is in charge and she wants to do Hero WOD's every Wednesday. So tomorrow will be "Adam Brown", I'll post it soon.
