Thursday, March 8, 2012

For Friday:

"The Chief"

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:

3 Power Cleans  (RX = 135 lbs)
6 Push-Ups
9 Squats

- Rest 1 minute.  Repeat for a total of 5 cycles/rounds.


  1. Good workout.
    1: 4 rounds
    2: 4 rounds
    3: 4 rounds
    4: 3 rounds, 6 push ups, 3 squats
    5: 3 rounds, 6 push ups
    End: made up the 12 squats

  2. Hey Dan, I really like this WOD too. Last time we did it was 3/7/2011. We all got 4 rounds for the first 4 rounds, then 5 in the last round (we finished the round even if time expired). Also did 200 double unders. Every time you screwed up there was a 5 burpee penalty. I had three penalties (@ 45, 100 and 150).

  3. I got 4 on each with 95 lbs and did a 5th as a bonus on the 5th round.
    I wasn't sure how this was going to work without Dave, but now that we've gone through the first week, I think it'll be fine. I'm actually feeling pretty beat up after this week and am looking forward to 2 days off.

  4. Saturday: Sets of 10 pull ups til burn out. Then 5k interval run with 100m +/- sprints.

    Yesterday's workout #s makes me miss working out with you guys- I need the motivation to push through the ends of those sets!
