Tuesday, March 27, 2012

2000M Row or Mile Run

15 Thrusters 65/95
15 T2B, KTE or Glute Ham, etc.
15 Box Jumps

400M Run

20 Thrusters
20 T2B, KTE or Glute Ham
20 Box Jumps

400M Run

30 Thrusters
30 T2B, KTE or Glute Ham
30 Box Jumps


  1. 35 minutes.....great wod! Had a nice pukie feel to it.
    Don't want to do thrusters again for a while

  2. Did Friday's workout with my guys this AM, except had to substitute sit ups for hang clean because we don't have the equipment... 800 m run then 4RFT 30 two-count lunges, 25 wall ball w 20lb, 15 sit ups, 12 burpees, then 800m run to finish. Everyone finished in 29-35 mins.

  3. I finished around 40 minutes as RX'd with 85#. I've had the pukie feeling all day but I still have my damn cold and it's been slowing me down for 2 weeks. Might have to go get some drugs after all.
