Monday, March 5, 2012

Tuesday w/o

Deadlift - 5-5-5-3-3-3


Double Unders

Had to post the w/o early, heading into Boston to catch WWE Monday night Raw with Carter and see if we can smell what the Rock is cookin'!


  1. Nice! See you in the AM, maybe I'll try and sneak in as Hugh tomorrow.

  2. Today's workout from Okinawa:

    Sets of 10 strict pull ups with 1-2 mins rest in between until burnout. Then one more max set.

    Then, 5 rounds:

    20 burpees
    10 Sumo DL high pulls @ 75lbs
    20 crunches (the kind from the workout where you do 10, 9, 8, ... off the ground push ups, jumping air squats, and then crunches. I forget what they're called)
    10 push press @ 95 lbs

    1. Saw a good one on HC's site we could do for wen.

  3. Glad to see you keep checking in Dan. Sounds like a good w/o, we'll have to try it. Hoping everyone who stops by here will post WOD ideas. Saw your post too Chris, good seeing familiar faces @ 10x!

    Today's WOD up to 275 for 3 reps DL, 15 minutes on the Metcon

    We're going to try to post Hero WOD's every Wednesday unless it (they) beats the sh*t out of too much ;) I saw that HQ WOD too Maureen, hmmm...

  4. This is what I was exposed too last night. It was a riot (and real). Many interesting people in the crowd!

  5. Today's WOD

    I got up to 245x3 on the deadlifts, my back is a little sore though.

    Think I was around 19 mins on the Metcon. Broke my record on doubleunders, got 50 in a row!
