Saturday, March 10, 2012

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups


  1. > From Dan

    > Saturday: Sets of 10 pull ups til burn out. Then 5k interval run with 100m +/- sprints.

    >Yesterday's workout #s makes me miss working out with you guys- I need the motivation to push through the ends of those sets!


    We miss having you around Dan, The Chief is definitely a good w/o with a group of people. Nice pull-up w/o and run today, nothing like breaking up a monotonous 5k!

    We'll have some good WOD's coming up this week, be ready!!

  2. Michael took me almost 30 minutes. The treadmills really slow you down. The heat doesn't help's like running through a jungle or maybe where Dan is.
