Thursday, March 15, 2012

For Friday:

20 Min. AMRAP

5 Thrusters
7 Hang Power Cleans
10 SumoDLHP

(RX = 95 lbs.)

... then 4 - 200m runs (or fast as you can go) on treadmill @ 15% elevation.


  1. Ran out of time after almost completing 9 rounds.....continued for a total of 10 rounds. I'm sure to feel this one tomorrow.
    Wod #2...... Joanne and I did 20 minutes at a 10%incline

  2. I would say that the girls beat the boys today. Although Jon was flying as usual. I skipped the run. This has been my toughest week so far. Great workouts and we pushed hard.

  3. The ladies kicked ass today, Brian struggled through it and finished at the same time. Tough WOD, especially at the end of the toughtest week in a while, glad we finished 10 rounds even if we had to go over the 20 min. cap!

    Matt, stop chugging the Nyquil and get your sorry ass out of bed and back to the gym. There's a reason you only weigh 107 lbs! ;)

  4. Matt, Do you need a nurse?

  5. Good workout. Finished 9 rounds in just under 19 mins. Finished the 10th round over the 20 min mark. Skipped the treadmill since I've been running every other day.
