Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Run 400 m
25 Pull-ups
25 burpee squat clean thruster 95 lb.
25 Dips
50 Box jumps 24″ box
25 Dips
25 Burpee squat clean thruster 95 lb.
25 pull-ups
Run 400 m


  1. This w/o is comparable to a Hero WOD. My head is still spinning. Burpee SCT were brutal, only could get five at a time, and that was a struggle. Think it took about 30-35 min. Nice job everyone for (1) attempting it and (2) completing it!

  2. I'm still feeling like 'doo but did the BSCT with 75# in about 40 mins. I can barely move after the 3 WOD's this week, crikey!

    Hey, did anyone check to see if Maureen is finished yet?

  3. Yes I finished. 50#. That was torture.....took me 45 mins. Maybe we should do Zumba tomorrow???

  4. We have worked out harder than I can ever remember. I haven't been this sore since my first week at Crossfit. The "Boss" keeps coming up with good ones.
