Sunday, March 18, 2012

“The Running Dead”

800m Run
50 Deadlifts  (RX = 135lbs.)
50 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
400m Run
30 Deadlifts
30 Pull-ups
30 Sit-ups
400m Run
20 Deadlifts
20 Pull-ups
20 Sit-ups
400m Run


  1. I'm still trying to get rid of the remnants of my cold but am glad to be back. After being in a Nyquil coma for a week it was good to work up a sweat.

  2. It was good to have you back Matt, but you knew we had to bust your b*lls!

    Running Dead was a good way to start the week. Ended up doing the 800m and three 400m runs (one after the 20 rep round) since it was so nice out.

  3. From Dan's post in case you missed it:

    > Sorry- I had a crazy second half of the week (my Marines getting themselves in trouble), so had to just run with my own workouts whenever I could fit one in. I'll be back this week on your guys schedule this week. Didn't feel the earthquake here. You guys are closer to San Fran than I am to that earthquake! I'm way down in the middle of nowhere, closer to the Philippines than mainland Japan.


    Dan, I keep missing your posts by a day or so, I apologize. Glad to hear you're ok and doing still doing most of the w/o. We've been modifying some of them too as we go, nothing wrong with that, we're just trying to throw a general WOD out there. Maureen wants to do Hero WOD's every Wed... we'll try it/them out and see if we can survive!

  4. I was feeling good today doing the running dead until someone stole my bar. Made me miss GC. 40 minutes with 95 pounds. Just squeezed ahead of Matt in his weakened state.
