Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1 minute intervals

Strength / Skill ........

  5x 30 second static holds....handstands or wall climbs....hold at vertical


Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes
1 minute max reps burpees
rest 2 minutes
1 minute max rep pull ups
rest 2 minutes
1 minute max rep wall balls
rest 2 minutes
1 minute max rep bent over rows
 rest 2 minutes
1 minute max rep sit ups

*score = total # of reps for all exercises

and stand static holds or

wall climb....hold at vertical



  1. Matt will like this.....lots of rests

  2. Cute... Real cute...

    My total score was 145. Pullups were my main event, knocked out 30 of them.

  3. 15 burpees, 25 pull ups, 28 wall balls, 25 rows, 49 sit ups I think... 142
