Monday, September 17, 2012

9/17/12..Box squats then 3RFT 10DL,10 Lunges,10 Squat cleans,10 Lunges, 10 Thrusters, 10 lunges, Run 400,

Skill..... Box Squats 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Conditioning WOD

3 Rounds for Time:

10 Dumbell deadlift
10 Dumbell walking lunges
10 Dumbell squat clean
10 Dumbell walking lunges
10 Dumbell thrusters
10 Dumbell walking lunges
400 meter run

*post time to comments


  1. 3 Rounds:

    800 meter run
    10 Dumbell deadlift
    10 Dumbell walking lunges
    10 Dumbell hang squat clean
    10 Dumbell walking lunges
    10 Dumbell shoulder to overhead
    10 Dumbell walking lunges

    25 min. (+/-), 35 lb. DB

  2. Got up to 215 on the box squats, think the WOD was around 30 minutes with 30 lb DB's.

  3. 800 meters? Jon you're such a show off!

    Today's WOD times:

    Jim- 22:18
    Suze- 23:23
    Matt- 24:50
    Mo- DNF

    * last time we did this I got 26:12 and Matt got 25:55
