Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bench, Row, pull-ups

Five rounds for time of:
80% 1rm Bench press, max reps
35 pound dbs Renegade row, 10 reps
35 pound Weighted Pull-ups, 10 reps
Post time and reps to comments.
Note:  Renegade row—- Push-up, left arm Row, Push-up, rt arm Row   = 1rep
compare to 12/08/10
Matt= 31 minutes / 95#bench/ 30#pull up/ 30#renegade row


  1. 30:19 w/65# bench and 20# renegade

    Matt- 30:17 w/ 115#

    Jim- 29:05 w/ 115#

  2. Driveway WOD:

    5 RFT

    15 Burpees
    15 Pull-Ups

    12 min.

    No more Hero WOD's Maureen??

  3. We can do one next week. Yesterday's work out nearly killed us and todays work out finished off our upper bodies for the week. Cardio for tomorrow!

  4. Today was 115 on the bench, 30 on the rows and 25 on the weighted pulls. My shoulders are smoked from this week!
