Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday October 25, 2012...Run, Dubs + Burpees

Run 1600
150 Dubs
50 Burpees

Run 800
100 Dubs
30 Burpees

Run 400
50 Dubs
20 Burpees


  1. So glad I missed this one today. Burpees and doubles would have taken me an hour alone.

    Did ~2 mile trail run in Norwell... pretty easy

  2. Holy Sh*t! This WOD was a killer! Remind me to put this in the "do not post again file".......the only good thing about this wod was that we did it outside.

    Suze- 49:00

    Matt- 51:47

    Mo- 51:47

  3. I liked this one, it was brutal!
