Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3,2012....."the Dumbell Bear"

“The Dumbbell Bear” (Michael Rutherford CrossFit Kansas City)
On the minute every minute for twenty minutes:
1. Five dumbbell dead lifts
2. Five dumbbell hang power cleans
3. Five dumbbell thrusters
The dumbbells may be placed on the floor as the athlete awaits the next interval. If the athlete completes the sequence in 40 seconds, for example, then 20 seconds of recovery are left before the start of the next interval. The objective is to stay on the interval, performing five reps of each movement within the minute, for a total of twenty intervals.The strongest athletes will start with a set of dumbbells weighing about 45 percent of their body weight. Scale the load appropriately.



Run 800
50 sit ups
 50 back extensions


  1. Dumbell Bear



    Mo-15#.....going heavier next time

  2. Jim asked for my breakfast smoothie recipe, here it is.

    4) large raw kale leaves
    1) raw collard green leaf (don't put the stem in, it's too fibrous)
    1) cup frozen blueberries
    1) scoop chocolate protein powder
    1) scoop "Miracle Reds"
    1) cup coconut water
    1/4) cup McCann's 3 minute steel cut oatmeal

    I buy all organic and use Jay Robb's egg white protein. Chuck all this into a blender and drink up!

    Mo - Here's the honey badger video I told you about.

  3. Oh yeah, the oatmeal goes in the blender uncooked. Mmmmmm!

  4. Yeah, that makes one glass. Maybe a little more.

  5. Thanks, Ill go to Whole Foods and try to find all this stuff that Ive never heard of, will probably take a while!

  6. Great post! I love doing dumbell set workouts like this one. Thank you for sharing this with us!
