Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday 2/28/13...."Fab ABS"

"Fab ABS"
100 Russian Twists -
*use med ball or plate

Plate weighted sit ups - 45/35/25
Renegade Row- 25/15 -

100 Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday 2/25/13..."Double Trouble"

Strength: Power Snatch - 3-3-3-3-3-3

5 Rounds for time

"Double Trouble"
15 SDLHP 75/55
20 DUBS/100 singles
15 Hang Power Snatch 75/55
20 DUBS/100 singles


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday 2/23/13...Run 400+30 Front squats+30Hang power cleans+30 shoulder to overhead+150 DUBS+30 shoulder to overhead+30 HPC+ 30 front squats Run 400

Conditioning WOD:

1 round for time-

Run 400 meters
30 Front squats 95/65
30 Hang power cleans 95/65
30 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65
150 Double unders/ 450 singles
30 shoulder to Overhead
30 Hang power cleans
30 Front squats
Run 400 meters

Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday 2/21/13..."Nancy"

Conditioning WOD:

5 Rounds for time-
Run 400 meters
15 Overhead Squats 95/65

*from Marks daily apple......

Top 10 Favorite Herbs and Spices

Besides adding flavor and protecting against microbes, herbs, spices, and extracts provide outstanding levels of antioxidants – some of the highest values found in any food.

Sorry, herbs and spices do not get better with age (maybe you’re confusing them with the Primal Blueprint indulgence of red wine?); in fact, they lose their potency and become bottled up free radicals when they linger too long on your shelves
Rich Food, Poor Food – Excerpt from Herbs and Spices Section
Most grocery store spices are irradiated. Irradiation is the process of exposing food to radiation in order to destroy microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or insects that might be present in the food. While irradiation works to kill bacteria, it also disrupts the structure of everything it passes through. Specifically, irradiation breaks up a food’s DNA, vitamins, minerals, and proteins and creates “free radicals” (atoms, molecules, or ions that contain unpaired electrons and crash into each other, multiplying exponentially), which contribute to many degenerative diseases, including heart disease, dementia, cancer, and cataracts.
Additionally, irradiation destroys the essential micronutrients that can help you reach micronutrient sufficiency. Your spice rack has so much to offer, that is, when you buy the Rich Food option, which is always the non-irradiated organic spice – our top pick. Here’s a rundown on the benefits of some of our favorite spices:

Dill: Helps your Digestion. A teaspoon a day can reduce 80 percent of bloating in only three days. Its antibacterial oils not only kill any possible stomach bugs but also help in the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins.

Tarragon: For Heart Health. One teaspoon daily lowered LDL cholesterol more than 40 percent while increasing good cholesterol nearly 30 percent. Tarragon contains a chemical called rutin, which boosts circulation and reduces plaque in the arteries
Oregano: Bacteria Be Gone. Due to the high levels of antibacterial compounds and antioxidants, oregano is just as effective at killing E.Coli and staph bacteria as penicillin
Bay Leaf: Natural Pain Reliever. Eliminates headaches and migraines. Bay leaf is rich in eugenol, a natural anesthetic that alleviates pain.

Rosemary: The Brain Booster and Fatigue Fighter. With just one sniff, the phytochemicals found in rosemary can rev up your mind by increasing production of beta waves. Carnosol, a nutrient unique to this herb, fights fatigue by flushing out energy-sapping toxins from the body.
Cayenne: Appetite Suppressant and Metabolism Booster. Capsaicinfound in cayenne, has thermogentic properties that increase your blood flow and metabolism. Individuals who only use cayenne infrequently also find it reduces hunger.
Cinnamon: Controls Glucose Levels. Cinnamon contains antioxidants called polyphenols that boost levels of three key proteins responsible for insulin signaling, glucose transport, and inflammatory response. Sprinkle one half teaspoon on your food to slow carbohydrate absorption by 29 percent.
Cardamom: Treats Indigestion. Chew one teaspoon of these seeds to soothe a sour belly. The aroma and therapeutic properties of cardamom are due to the volatile oil in its seed, which contains cineol, terpinene, limonene, sabinene, and terpineol.
Sage: Memory Minder. Both the phytonutrients and volatile oils in sage maintain levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that supports memory.
And our favorite Rich Food spice is . . . Turmeric
This mildly woody spice is a key ingredient in many Indian, Persian, and Thai dishes. This “poor man’s” saffron is rich in benefits. The active ingredient, curcumin, is so powerful that it is commonly made into expensive nutraceutical capsules. According to Ajay Goel, Ph.D., Director of Epigenetics and Cancer Prevention at Baylor Research Institute in Dallas, “Curcumin is a complete well-being tonic – it benefits every organ in the body… It shows promise of fighting nearly every disease.” Dr. Goel suggests that curcumin aids in the prevention of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and depression.
Why not just cook up a cure in your kitchen tonight?
Curcumin Controls Blood Sugar: It switches on the liver genes that keep glucose levels in check. It improves the pancreas’s ability to make insulin and helps slow down the metabolism of carbohydrates after meals.
Curcumin Fights Cancer: It inhibits the genetic switches that allow for cancerous cell growth to occur.
Curcumin Speeds Up Metabolism: USDA research shows that is enhances cellular energy to speed metabolism.
Curcumin Clears Plaque: It removes amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain that can cause Alzheimer’s.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday 2/20/13....Cindy likes to swing

Strength: Push Jerk - 3-3-3-3-3

Conditioning: "Cindy likes to swing"

AMRAP- 20 minutes
1 round of Cindy (5pull ups+10push ups+15 air squats)
10 KB Swings
2 rounds of Cindy
20 KB Swings
3 rounds of Cindy
30 KB Swings
*follow this pattern until time runs out


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday 2/19/13..."Annie Loves Thrusters"

Back Squat - 5-5-3-3-3-1

Conditioning WOD:
"Annie Loves Thrusters"

sit ups
double unders (singles = x4)
* after each round perform 10 thrusters

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday 2/18/13......He LovesMe / He Loves Me Not

Here is Jim's WOD...courtesy of Crossfit Rebok Back Bay:

WOD L1: He loves me:

14 Deadlifts (95/65)
14 Hang Power Clean (95/65)
14 Push Press (95/65)
14 Wall balls
14 Toes to Bar
14 Burpees
28 Pull ups
14 Burpeees 14 Toes to Bar
14 Wall balls
14 Push Press
14 Hang Power Cleans
14 Deadlifts


WOD L2 He loves me not

14 Pull ups
14 Burpees
14 Toes to Bar
14 Wall balls
14 Push Jerk (155/105)
14 Hang Power Clean (155/105)
28 Deadlifts (155/105)
14 Hang Power Clean
14 Push Jerk
14 Wall balls
14 Toes to bar
14 Burpees
14 Pull ups

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday 2/16/13..."Hele-Fran"


for time-

Thrusters 95/65
KB Swings 55/35
Run 400 after each round

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday 2/15/13...Run 400 then 5 rounds-5 power cleans+10 push ups+15 air squats..then run 400 and do 3 rounds- 5 power cleans+10 push ups + 15 air squats ..then run 400

Conditioning WOD:

Run 400
then 5 Rounds of
5 power cleans
10 push ups (hand release)
15 air squats

Run 400
then 3 Rounds of
5 power cleans
10 push ups (hand release)
15 air squats

Run 400


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday 2/9/13...Chipper WOD

one round for time:

100 sit ups
90 lunges
80 push ups
70 squat jumps
60 pull ups
50 box jumps
400 meter Run
30 dips
20 shoulder press
10 burpees

Paleo + CrossFit

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday 2/8/13...#1 ME UB DUBS/Singles...#2 AMRAP-15 HPC/KB swing Ladder

#1- You have 3 attempts to establish a max effort/unbroken
Double Unders/Singles

rest 3 minutes

#2- AMRAP-15: hang power clean/kb swing ladder
1- HPC
1- KB swing
2- HPC
2- KB swing
3- HPC
3- KB swing
* as far as you can go in 15 minutes

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday 2/7/13....."Jackie"

Warm up: 5 Rounds - 
5 push ups
10 sit ups
15 air squats

Conditioning WOD:
Row 1000 meters
50 Thrusters (45# bar)
30 Pull ups

Many have asked, “Why are the workouts named after Girls?”  Coach Glassman, the founder and President of CrossFit explained it best. “I want to explain the workout once and then give it a name.  I thought that anything that left you flat on your back, looking up at the sky asking ‘what just happened to me?’ deserved a females name.  Workouts are just like storms, they wreak havoc on towns.”  

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday 2/6/13.......Strength-Back squat 3x5 then 5 RFT- 10 bench press+10 renegade rows+10 front squat

Strength WOD:
Back Squat - 3x5


Conditioning WOD:
10 Bench Press
10 Renegade Row
10 Front Squats
Run 400


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday 2/5/13.....400 meter run/walk@ highest incline then 5RFT- 5 shoulder to overhead + 15 burpees + 25 Deadlift

Warm Up:
walk/run 400 meters @highest incline

5 Rounds for Time: 

5 shoulder to overhead 155/105
15 burpees
25 deadlifts 155/105

CrossFit crossfit

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday 2/4/13..Hang Power Cleans+GHD situps+Run

Run 400 - then
5 - 15 - 25
GHD sit ups
Hang Power Cleans

Run 400 - then 
25 - 15 - 5
GHD situps
Hang Power Cleans

Run 400 - then
5 - 15 - 25
GHD sit ups
Hang Power Cleans


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday 2/3/13 .......Run a 5K

Run a 5K before your Super Bowl Party!

What everyone (especially vegetarians) should know about B12 deficiency
Posted By Chris Kresser On January 18, 2013 @ 8:00 am In Food & Nutrition,Myths & Truths | 111 Comments
[1]In May of 2011, I wrote an article called B12 Deficiency: A Silent Epidemic With Serious Consequences [2]. I argued that B12 deficiency is much more common than statistics indicate, with potentially devastating consequences. B12 deficiency can cause or is associated with:
               Premature aging
               Neurological disorders similar in presentation to multiple sclerosis
               Brain fog, memory problems and cognitive decline
               Stroke, heart disease and other vascular problems (due to elevated homocysteine)
               Developmental or learning disabilities in children
               Impaired immune function, autoimmune disease and cancer
               Male and female infertility
               Numerous other symptoms…
 (i.e. deficiency sets in long before obvious symptoms appear), and some of the more serious effects of B12 deficiency (such as nerve damage) are irreversible.
The effects of B12 deficiency can be irreversible—but most who are deficient don’t know it. [5]
Although rates of B12 deficiency are much higher in vegetarians and vegans than in omnivores, that doesn’t mean it’s rare in omnivores. According to the study above, approximately 1 in 20 omnivores are B12 deficient. In my practice I’d estimate the rate at closer to 1 in 15, possibly because I see a lot of people with gut problems and that is one of the risk factors for B12 deficiency. Other risk factors include age (people 60 or older), present or past use of acid-suppressing drugs or other medications like metformin and women with a history of miscarriage and infertility.
B12 is the only vitamin that contains a trace element (cobalt), which is why it’s called cobalamin. Cobalamin is produced in the gut of animals. It’s the only vitamin we can’t obtain from plants or sunlight. Plants don’t need B12 so they don’t store it. B12 is found exclusively in animal foods, such as liver, clams, oysters, mussels, fish eggs, octopus, fish, crab and lobster, beef, lamb, cheese and eggs.
A common myth amongst vegetarians and vegans is that it’s possible to get B12 from plant sources like seaweed, fermented soy, spirulina and brewers yeast. But plant foods said to contain B12 actually contain B12 analogs called cobamides that block intake of and increase the need for true B12. (9 [14]) My intention here is not to bash vegetarian and vegan diets (I was a macrobiotic vegan myself at one point, for crying out loud!). I recognize that there are many reasons why people choose to eat the way they do, and I respect people’s right to make their own choices. I also know that, like all parents, vegetarians and vegans want the best for their children. This is why it’s crucial for those that abstain from animal products to understand that there are no plant sources of B12 and that all vegans and most vegetarians should supplement. This is especially important for vegetarian or vegan children or pregnant women, whose need for B12 is even greater than adults. In addition, omnivores that are low in B12 despite eating a diet rich in animal foods that contain B12 should also supplement.
Supplementing with B12
Cyanaocobalamin is the most frequently used form of B12 supplementation in the US. But recent evidence suggests that hydroxycobalamin (frequently used in Europe) is superior to cyanocobalamin, and methylcobalamin may be superior to both – especially for neurological disease. (9 [15]10 [16] p. 225) This is probably because methylcobalamin bypasses several problems in the B12 absorption cycle and doesn’t need to be decyanated or reduced to the (+1) state (the only state that can cross the blood-brain barrier). On top of that, methylcobalamin provides the body with methyl groups that play a role in various biological processes important to overall health.