Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday 10/31/13.... Triple play : AMRAP-5 - 5 snatches + 5 OHS, rest 5, AMRAP-5 - Row 150+10 shoulder to overhead, rest 5, AMRAP-5 - 10 push ups+10 front rack lunges

                             Happy Halloween

"Triple Play"

AMRAP in 5 minutes:
5 snatches
5 overhead squats

Rest 5 minutes

AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Row 150
10 shoulder to overhead (115/75)

Rest 5 minutes

AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 push ups
10 front rack lunges (115/75)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

wednesday 10/30/13....4 rounds: 15 HPC, 15 ball slam, 15 v sit ups, 400 meter run

4 Rounds for Time:

15 Hang Power Cleans
15 Ball slams
15 V-situps
Run 400

*Day 30 squat challenge: Do 250 squats. Last day! Good job!

article from Natural news:

How to Protect yourself from Environmental Toxins by Supporting the Liver


More and more people are presenting in their doctor’s office with health problems triggered by environmental compounds and chemicals.
The loss of ability to tolerate chemicals is an increasing problem that medical researchers and healthcare providers have identified in more than a dozen countries.
This would include people who cannot tolerate commonly used chemicals without developing symptoms or becoming seriously ill. These chemicals may include laundry detergents, perfumes and scented products, gasoline fumes, the smell emitted by new carpet and new cars, and cigarette smoke to name just a few.
In addition to intolerance to chemical smells, these people often have intolerance to jewelry, shampoo, lotions, deodorants, multiple medications and multiple food sensitivities. Sufferers may complain of fatigue, headaches, asthma-like symptoms, memory loss, brain fog, Gulf War syndrome and frequent skin rashes or outbreaks.
American children are born with increasingly high levels of chemical and toxic burdens. A 2005 study of umbilical blood from newborns found almost 300 environmental compounds, including mercury and DDT. The potential damage from these chemicals may not be apparent until we’re older, as environmental toxins have been linked to neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
The combination of chronic exposures to chemicals, pollutants, multiple medications, coupled with a poor diet, has the potential to overwhelm the body’s immune and detoxification systems. This has potentially contributed to many of the inflammatory and chronic metabolic disorders that healthcare providers face today.
Many researchers have speculated that the skyrocketing presence of autoimmunity, autism, neurodegenerative diseases, fatigue related illnesses, and inflammatory conditions are related to this increased toxic burden.

So why do some people develop chemical intolerance while others do not?

The answer appears to be related to how your immune system and your liver detoxification systems respond to chemical exposures.
A proper immune system response to chemicals is heavily dependent on proper levels of glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant.  Glutathione levels can become depleted from chronic stress, poor diets, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.
Glutathione depletion is also a primary contributing factor to leaky gut syndrome, which is a major player in abnormal immune system responses including autoimmunity. Regulatory T-cells are immune cells that regulate and balance the immune system and prevent autoimmunity and loss of chemical tolerance. Glutathione depletion, low vitamin D status, and low omega-3 fatty acid status can all contribute to loss of regulatory T-cell function.
Laboratory testing for loss of chemical tolerance can now be done by measuring antibodies in the blood to environmental chemicals. Positive antibodies indicate an overactive immune response to environmental chemicals, which can trigger neurological autoimmunity or degeneration of the brain as a consequence of systemic inflammation.
Liver health and proper liver function play an important role in chemical tolerance. Chemicals foreign to the body including food additives, pesticides, insecticides, hormones, and drugs all make their way to the liver to be detoxified.
However, many inherited genetic traits can cause variations or defects in how well your liver is able to breakdown these chemicals.  This can be one reason why the same medication given to several different people can have greatly varying responses. Liver detoxification has also been shown to lose integrity as we age.
Nutritional supplements that support your immune system, glutathione activity and liver detoxification include N-acetylcysteine (NAC), Alpha-lipoic acid(ALA), L-glutamine, selenium, coryceps, milk thistle, MSM, trimethylglycine, DL methionine, emulsified resveratrol, curcumin, probiotics and gotu kola.
Many nutritional companies design specific powder based formulas that mix in water to support liver detoxification, immune function and glutathione levels.
If you suffer from chemical intolerance and are experiencing symptoms, ask your healthcare provider about testing with a chemical reactivity screen for chemical antibodies.
Begin by supporting your liver detoxification systems and glutathione levels with the appropriate nutritional supplements. Remember to be proactive and informed when making your healthcare decisions.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday 10/29/13...SWOD - close grip bench press; WOD - amrap-5...Cindy; Run 800

SWOD: Close grip bench press 6x4

as many rounds of Cindy in 5 minutes
Run 800
as many rounds of Cindy in 5 minutes
Run 800

*Cindy= 5 pull ups+10 push ups+15 air squats

*score= total # of rounds of Cindy

**Squat challenge Day 29 - 240 squats (you can count the squats you do in the wod towards the challenge)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday 10/28/13...SWOD: close grip bench press 7x4; WOD: Toes to bar, Front squats, Sit ups

SWOD: close grip bench press 7x4

 25 TTB
 25 Front squats (135/95)
 100 sit ups
 25 Front squats
 25 TTB

** Squat challenge Day 28 - Rest Day

Seven ways to bulletproof your immune system this winter

Friday, October 25, 2013 by: Derek Henry
Tags: immune systemwinterbulletproof health
eTrust Pro Certified
(NaturalNews) The immune system is where the rubber meets the road, and if you fail to get it in order, your health goes downhill. Start building your immune system by incorporating these seven things to help get you through the winter without wearing a surgical mask on a daily basis.

Get grounded

Grounding, which is simply putting your skin into direct contact with the surface of the Earth, has a host of benefits with one being to the immune system.

Due to its overall anti-inflammatory effects and ability to regulate cortisol secretion, grounding eliminates two important factors that lower your immunity.

If you can't access the Earth barefoot, consider using grounding technology.

Find a good source of vitamin D

If you live in an area with consistent sunlight, all you need to do is get out in the direct sunlight for 20-30 minutes a day. However, during the winter months, it can become increasingly difficult for people further north to access the sun's rays on a consistent basis.

In this case, take a liquid vitamin D supplement for those months of little-to-no sunshine then check into that sunny holiday and stock up on the beach.

Vitamin D is critical for overall immune function.

Take liposomal vitamin C

Vitamin C is a commonly known immune booster and is a product typically stocked up on with the winter season approaching.

This family favorite has now become even more effective with the introduction of liposomal vitamin C. This formulation utilizes consistent 150mm sized liposomes, which facilitates greater absorption of the vitamin C in the formula.

It's one thing to take immune-boosting supplements, and its often quite another to absorb them. Liposomal vitamin C helps address both factors.

Consume medicinal mushrooms

In recent years, scientists have been studying the benefits of medicinal mushrooms on the immune system and have found the key to be connected to their beta-glucan content.

Beta-glucans have been known by scientists as "biological response modifiers" that bind to the surface of immune cells, which gives them better coordination in their attack.

This compound also activates certain immune cells, such as T-cells, macrophages, natural killer (NK) cells and cytokines interleukin 1 and 2. This helps strengthen the immune response to microbial invaders.

Go hard on the garlic

Garlic has been long known for its potent antibacterial, viral and fungal properties, which strengthens the gastrointestinal and immune systems. Making it a part of your food preparation and incorporating it into a tea with lemon and raw honey will give your immune system some more back up.

Get fermenting

Fermented vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and probiotics, which are all significant factors in strengthening your immune system. A well-mineralized and balanced inner ecology will go a long way in keeping you from getting sick this winter.

Get enough rest

An often underestimated factor for boosting your immune system is getting enough rest, and at the premiere times of the day.

Since the majority of your energy goes to repair and rejuvenation during sleep, it is one of the most important things to do correctly. This means getting to bed before 11pm to facilitate deep sleep in the early hours of the morning (when the best repair takes place) and allowing at least 7 to 8 hours of solid, relatively uninterrupted sleep (taking no more than 5 minutes to get back to sleep if you wake up).

Incorporating these seven things this winter will give you enhanced immunity to keep you from becoming a victim of a bacterial or viral infection.

Sources for this article include:

Learn more:

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday 10/27/13....50 hang power cleans - 50 pull ups - 50 push press

Warm up: 2 rounds

20 weighted sit ups
20 walking lunges


50 Hang Power Cleans (95,135)
** Do 10 push ups everytime you put the bar down

50 Pull ups
** Do 5 Burpees when off the bar

50 Push press (65,95)
** Run 400 everytime you put the bar down

Day 27 squat challenge - 230 squats

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

friday 10/25/13..... SWOD; deadlift 1 rep max - then - 3 Rounds: 200 meter farmers walk, 25 wall ball, 200 meter farmers walk, 25 DUBS

Benefits of the Farmer's Walk Exercise

While many of you may undermine the physical benefits of manual labor and prefer just working out in a gym, you ought to know that these natural laborious exercises work the body in amazing ways to make it fitter. The benefits that you derive from doing this exercise are numerous, and have been enlisted here.
The first benefit of the farmer's walk is that it strengthens the core muscles. Strong core muscles equal a strong body that is less prone to developing injury.
You develop a great sense of balance and control over your body by performing this exercise.
Your stamina and metabolism only increase as you continue doing this exercise regularly.
The exercise utilizes muscles all over the body. These include those in the arms, shoulders, abdominals, legs, glutes, and back. 
Apart from the aforementioned benefits, the farmer's walk also helps develop ankle and grip strength.

SWOD: Deadlift... find your 1 rep max


WOD: 3 Rounds for time

200 meter farmers walk

25 wallballs

200 meter farmers walk

25 DUBS 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday 10/24/13 5RFT ; 4 Reps of Barbell bear complex, 30 sit ups, 25 DUBS, 200 meter run


4 Reps of the Barbell Bear complex (95/65)
30 Sit-ups
25 Double Unders
200 meter run

Day 24 squat challenge: rest day ( only 6 days left )

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday 10/23/13...another hero - "WITTMAN"



15 KB swings
15 Power cleans 95/65
15 Box jumps

*Day 23 squat challenge - 190 squats

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday 10/22/13..."RONEY"


4 RFT:
Run 200
11 thrusters 135/95
Run 200
11 push press
Run 200
11 bench press

Day 22 squat challenge - 185 squats

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday 10/21/13...for time: Run 400 25 pull ups,25 burpee squat cleans,25 dips,Run 800 ,25 dips, 25 burpee squat cleans, 25 pull ups, Run 400


Run 400
25 pull ups
25 burpee squat cleans (burpee on the bar)
25 dips
Run 800
25 dips
25 burpee squat cleans
25 pull ups
Run 400

** Day 21 Squat challenge - 180 squats

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday 10/20/13 - SWOD: Deadlift or Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3, then AMRAP-12, 3 GTOH w/plate, 6 pull upe, 9 V-sit ups w/medball

SWOD: 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

Deadlift or Shoulder Press
* 20 sit ups between sets

WOD: As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes

3 GTOH with plate (35/45)
6 pull ups
9 V- sit ups w/ medball

**Squat Challenge Day 20 - rest day

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday 10/19/13...."Prisoner of War"

"Prisoner of war"

Run 400
100 Thrusters 35/45
100 Push ups
Run 400
100 SDLHP 35/45
100 sit ups
Run 400

**Day 19 squat challenge - 160 squats

* We can try this next week :)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday 10/18/13..... 4 RFT - 40 Lunges, 20 wall ball, 40 step ups, 20 ball slams

4 Rounds:

40 walking lunges w/ dumbells
20 wall balls
40 step ups w/ dumbells
20 ball slams

** Day 18 squat challenge - 155 squats

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thursday 10/17/13....."Riding Dirty" or "Nancy"

"Riding Dirty"
10 Rounds:
250 Row
5 Overhead squats (135/95)


5 Rounds
15 Overhead squats
400 meter run

** Day 17 squat challenge - 150 squats

Wednesday 10/16/13.... 6 rounds - 10 DB cleans, 10 DB press then run 800 then 6 rounds - 10 DB renegade row, 30 DUBS

SWOD: Bench press - 6x4

6 Rounds:
10 DB cleans
10 DB press


Run/Row 800


6 Rounds:
10 DB renegade rows (add the push up)

*Day 16 squat challenge - rest day :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday 10/15/13.....3 Rounds: 200 meter Farmer Carry, 10 pull ups, 20 wallballs, 200 meter sprint

3 rounds for time:

200 meter Farmer Carry
10 Pull ups
20 Wallballs
200 meter sprint

*Day 15 squat challenge - 140 squats

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday 10/14/13...SWOD: Jerk then "Opium Dream"

SWOD: Jerk - Spend 15 minutes to work up to a 2 rep max


"Opium Dream"

Ground to Overhead w/plate (45/25)
5 burpees + 30 DUBS/120 singles

* Day 14 squat challenge: 135


7 Easy Tips to Lose Excess Weight and Stay Slim

from natural news by Jonathan Cho

Swimsuit season might be over but its never too late to lose some excess weight and keep it off. Yes, nutrition, diet, exercise, cleansing and detox are the major ways to reach your ideal weight, but there are rules of thumb that can be easy boosters to any excess weight loss plan. Here are seven:

1. Eat more protein: protein is arguably the most essential macronutrient. Often times, people overeat because they're in need of protei, but aren't getting enough from the foods they're consuming. as a result, they end up eating much more than they normally would, only to feel hungry again later. 

2. drink water upon rising: drinking at least a glass to a liter of clean water immediately upon rising kick starts your metabolism for the day. If you don't your body will have a harder time digesting your next meal and will store a greater amount as fat instead of using it for energy.

3. Eat hot peppers: Eating hot peppers with meals turns up the metabolism and can help you lose excess weight.

4. don't eat after 5pm. When you eat a large meal, it normally takes three hours to four hours to fully digest. your metabolism slows to a snail's pace after 9pm.

5. Take digestive enzymes. Supplemental digestive enzymes can help your body digest your food more fully

6. Avoid liquids with meals: Don't drink liquids including water,20 minutes before to at least 2 hours after eating. liquids like water change the PH level of the digestive fluids in your stomach and wash away digestive enzynes, making it all but impossible to break down food.

7. make sure your nutritionally saturated: When your deficient in micronutrients like minerals and vitamins, you'll feel hungrier as your body signals a need for them. To remedy this, try drinking 2 or 3 glasses of freshly made vegetable juice or some green superfood powders with a pinch of sea salt (for minerals), half hour before your next meal. You'll end up eating less than you otherwise would.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday 10/13/13 ....Hero WOD - "Michael"

** I did this WOD with Jan on 9/8....she did 1200 runs and we finished around the same time! I am such a slacker!


Three rounds for time of:

Run 800 meters

50 Back Extensions

50 Sit-ups

In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28.
With heavy hearts we offer our prayers and condolences to his wife, Laura, and 14-month-old daughter, Molly.
The price of freedom, and its worth, is found in Michael�s passing. The debt owed to Michael and his family can never be repaid but only honored by remembering Michael and remaining free.

* Squat challenge: Day 13 - 130 squats

Herbs for effective blood pressure management

I can attest to the benefits of coleus for lowering blood pressure after seeing it on Dr Oz and then researching it. One of the side effects was related to its vasodilation effects ( causing a decrease in BP ). In my case it lowered my systolic reading 20 points!


(NaturalNews) One in three adults in the United States today has high blood pressure, medically referred to as hypertension. However, lots of people are not even aware they have this condition, simply because it has no warning signs and symptoms. It is typically caused by improper diet, smoking and alcohol abuse. When high blood pressure occurs along with increased levels of blood sugar and cholesterol, it could cause severe damage to the vital organs of the body. Nevertheless, this is now easy to detect and manage clinically and naturally.

Studies have indicated that smoking a cigarette can elevate one's blood pressure for half an hour. Diet comprised mostly of fat and no exercise can result in high levels of cholesterol, which can lead to blood vessels becoming narrow due to fatty deposits. When this occurs, the heart will have more difficulty in pumping and circulating blood to the rest of the body. Chronic hypertension that is not properly managed can eventually lead to different outcomes such as stroke, heart attack and other heart ailments.

Conventional medicines for hypertension

Like other medicines today, medications used to manage hypertension may have certain side effects that need to be carefully monitored or treated as well when they occur. This means more drugs to take and more side effects that will need to be properly managed.

Natural remedies for hypertension

These treatments work efficiently as conventional medications. A lot of individuals were able to manage their blood pressure problems well by simply adapting a healthier lifestyle - cutting down on vices, eating healthy foods and engaging in a regular exercise routine.

Herbs for hypertension

Herbs are also beneficial in treating hypertension. They actually help in the prevention of high blood pressure and lowering or maintaining its levels. If you are clinically diagnosed with this condition, you will likely be given a prescription. However, there are other natural means to manage high bloodpressure. These include:
  • Gotu kola (Hydrocotyle asiatica)
  • Garlic (Allium sativum)
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Mistletoe
  • Ginseng
  • Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
  • Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycantha)
  • Coleus
  • Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina)
  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
  • Kelp (Fucus vesiculosus)
  • Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)
  • Stinging nettle
  • Black cohosh
  • Hyssop
  • Bayberry
An excellent example of an herb that has helped numerous people manage their high blood pressureis garlic. Like other herbs, it contains a number of compounds that can provide health benefits. Garlic helps in reducing fat in the body, can break up the accumulation of cholesterol on the arteries and clears out plaque that developed in the blood vessels. At the same time, it also lowers blood pressure and helps to improve the body's defense against pathogens.

Magnesium is another natural substance that facilitates the regulation of vital mineral components, including sodium and potassium, in the blood.

Other benefits of herbs

A lot of herbs used to manage blood pressure facilitate regulated flow of blood in the entire body system.

Others can lower blood pressure by eliminating mucoid substance from arteries in the bronchus.

They can calm down the nervous system, eradicating tension and anxiousness, which have been proven to be major causes of the onset of hypertension.

They are rich in calcium and minerals which assist in the maintenance of the heart and blood vessels.

Herbs are proven effective alternative therapies. However, hypertension can be a severe condition if not treated properly. If it continues beyond the hazardous marks despite natural remedies, self-treatment needs to be stopped, and you should immediately have a medical practitioner perform an evaluation.

Learn more:

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday 10/12/13..."Crazy 8's" or Thrusters, Burpee box jumps,situps


8 Rounds for time-

8 pull ups
8 box jumps
8 burpees
8 dips
8 push ups
8 lunges
8 dubs/ 32 singles
8 wall balls



burpee box jumps
sit ups
*25 dubs after each round

**this took 42 minutes to finish last time

Squat Challenge: Day 12...Rest Day :)