Happy Halloween
"Triple Play"
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
5 snatches
5 overhead squats
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Row 150
10 shoulder to overhead (115/75)
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 push ups
10 front rack lunges (115/75)
Get groundedGrounding, which is simply putting your skin into direct contact with the surface of the Earth, has a host of benefits with one being to the immune system.Due to its overall anti-inflammatory effects and ability to regulate cortisol secretion, grounding eliminates two important factors that lower your immunity. If you can't access the Earth barefoot, consider using grounding technology. Find a good source of vitamin DIf you live in an area with consistent sunlight, all you need to do is get out in the direct sunlight for 20-30 minutes a day. However, during the winter months, it can become increasingly difficult for people further north to access the sun's rays on a consistent basis.In this case, take a liquid vitamin D supplement for those months of little-to-no sunshine then check into that sunny holiday and stock up on the beach. Vitamin D is critical for overall immune function. Take liposomal vitamin CVitamin C is a commonly known immune booster and is a product typically stocked up on with the winter season approaching.This family favorite has now become even more effective with the introduction of liposomal vitamin C. This formulation utilizes consistent 150mm sized liposomes, which facilitates greater absorption of the vitamin C in the formula. It's one thing to take immune-boosting supplements, and its often quite another to absorb them. Liposomal vitamin C helps address both factors. Consume medicinal mushroomsIn recent years, scientists have been studying the benefits of medicinal mushrooms on the immune system and have found the key to be connected to their beta-glucan content.Beta-glucans have been known by scientists as "biological response modifiers" that bind to the surface of immune cells, which gives them better coordination in their attack. This compound also activates certain immune cells, such as T-cells, macrophages, natural killer (NK) cells and cytokines interleukin 1 and 2. This helps strengthen the immune response to microbial invaders. Go hard on the garlicGarlic has been long known for its potent antibacterial, viral and fungal properties, which strengthens the gastrointestinal and immune systems. Making it a part of your food preparation and incorporating it into a tea with lemon and raw honey will give your immune system some more back up.Get fermentingFermented vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and probiotics, which are all significant factors in strengthening your immune system. A well-mineralized and balanced inner ecology will go a long way in keeping you from getting sick this winter.Get enough restAn often underestimated factor for boosting your immune system is getting enough rest, and at the premiere times of the day.Since the majority of your energy goes to repair and rejuvenation during sleep, it is one of the most important things to do correctly. This means getting to bed before 11pm to facilitate deep sleep in the early hours of the morning (when the best repair takes place) and allowing at least 7 to 8 hours of solid, relatively uninterrupted sleep (taking no more than 5 minutes to get back to sleep if you wake up). Incorporating these seven things this winter will give you enhanced immunity to keep you from becoming a victim of a bacterial or viral infection. Sources for this article include: http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
Studies have indicated that smoking a cigarette can elevate one's blood pressure for half an hour. Diet comprised mostly of fat and no exercise can result in high levels of cholesterol, which can lead to blood vessels becoming narrow due to fatty deposits. When this occurs, the heart will have more difficulty in pumping and circulating blood to the rest of the body. Chronic hypertension that is not properly managed can eventually lead to different outcomes such as stroke, heart attack and other heart ailments. Conventional medicines for hypertensionLike other medicines today, medications used to manage hypertension may have certain side effects that need to be carefully monitored or treated as well when they occur. This means more drugs to take and more side effects that will need to be properly managed.Natural remedies for hypertensionThese treatments work efficiently as conventional medications. A lot of individuals were able to manage their blood pressure problems well by simply adapting a healthier lifestyle - cutting down on vices, eating healthy foods and engaging in a regular exercise routine.Herbs for hypertensionHerbs are also beneficial in treating hypertension. They actually help in the prevention of high blood pressure and lowering or maintaining its levels. If you are clinically diagnosed with this condition, you will likely be given a prescription. However, there are other natural means to manage high bloodpressure. These include:
Magnesium is another natural substance that facilitates the regulation of vital mineral components, including sodium and potassium, in the blood. Other benefits of herbsA lot of herbs used to manage blood pressure facilitate regulated flow of blood in the entire body system.Others can lower blood pressure by eliminating mucoid substance from arteries in the bronchus. They can calm down the nervous system, eradicating tension and anxiousness, which have been proven to be major causes of the onset of hypertension. They are rich in calcium and minerals which assist in the maintenance of the heart and blood vessels. Herbs are proven effective alternative therapies. However, hypertension can be a severe condition if not treated properly. If it continues beyond the hazardous marks despite natural remedies, self-treatment needs to be stopped, and you should immediately have a medical practitioner perform an evaluation. |