Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday 10/01/13.... Box squats 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 then 3RFT,10 deadlift,10 walking lunge,10 squat cleans, 10 walking lunges,10 thrusters,10 walking lunge, run 400

Day 1 squat challenge: do 50 air squats


Skill..... Box Squats 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
* make sure the box isn't too high - 90 degree angle or less

Conditioning WOD

3 Rounds for Time:

10 Dumbell deadlift
10 Dumbell walking lunges
10 Dumbell squat clean
10 Dumbell walking lunges
10 Dumbell thrusters
10 Dumbell walking lunges
400 meter run

*we did this a year ago:
Jim - 22:18
Matt - 24:50
Suze - 23:23
Mo - 26:12

30 DAY SQUAT CHALLENGE......starts today

This 30 day regime  gives you rest days to ensure that you can recover and let your body adjust to the exercises, and avoid any injuries.
You do not have to complete all the reps in one go, you can split them up throughout the day without missing out on the overall benefits.
Please post your progress, comments and questions below to help build up the community.
Take up the 30 day squat challenge today!!

30 Day Squats Fitness Challenge Chart

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