Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday 10/5/13..."GRINDY"

Warm up: 2 Rounds

                   15 wallballs
                   200 meter run

 10 Clean and Jerks 
 5 rounds of Cindy
 10 Clean and Jerks
 5 rounds of Cindy
 10 Clean and Jerks
 5 rounds of Cindy

*Cindy= 5 pull ups (sub= 10 jumping pullups)+10 push ups+15 squats

* instead of the squats we could do sit ups

Squat challenge: Day 5= 70 squats
30 Day Squats Fitness Challenge Chart

1 comment:

  1. Jan - 28:03 w/45#
    Suze - 29:30 w/65#
    Mo - 30:32 w/47#
    Dot - 30:35 w/15#
