Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wednesday 12/31/14....Burpee/Squat clean ladder








****** Matt, Jim,Suzi did this one way back in 2012 - about 20+ minutes

New Years Eve Fireworks 2015 Events Wallpapers Images Photos

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tuesday 12/30/14...... Thrusters.....

1. Clean and Jerk
A. work up to a single at 95%
B. 2×2 at 85%
2. Teams of 3
3K Row
100 Dumbbell Snatches (70/50)
30 Thrusters (75/55)
30 Thrusters (95/65)
30 Thrusters (115/80)
30 Thrusters (135/95)
30 Thrusters (155/105)
Max Thrusters (185/135) in Time Remaining
1 athlete works at a time – split up as desired.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday 12/29/14....2015 OPEN ATHLETE WOD

1. Conditioning
21 Power Snatch, 95/65
21 Burpees
21 Pull-Ups
15 OHS, 95/65
15 Burpees
15 Pull-Ups
9 Squat Snatch, 95/65
9 Burpees
9 Pull-Ups

Apple Cider vinegar recipes to detox
There is a reason why there is so much buzz around apple cider vinegar (ACV) these days. It is truly one of the best things that you can consume on a daily basis for your overall health. As more and more research comes out on its health benefits, it truly amazes people when they find out what apple cider vinegar can do. It helps to curb the appetite and help you lose weight, it controls blood sugars, it improves the appetite and it is also one of nature’s best detoxifiers. In other words, it helps to cleanse the body of toxins and other unwanted or harmful substances and supports the liver and kidneys in processing and eliminating this waste. Below are several recipes for drinks with apple cider vinegar to detox and keep yourself healthy!

The Basic Recipe

Ingredients :
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup still or sparkling water
Add the apple cider vinegar to a glass, then dilute with one cup water. Enjoy cold 2-3 times a day before meals.
This is the most basic recipe for an ACV drink, it's fast to make and is excellent if you are just starting out with this wonderful vinegar.

Lemon Water Apple Cider Vinegar

Ingredients :
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper
  • Honey to taste
Mix all ingredients together and drink immediately.
The lemon juice and cayenne pepper both help to stimulate the metabolism, making this an excellent choice for those who are detoxing to help with weight loss.

Cranberry Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Ingredients :
  • ¼ cup pure unsweetened cranberry juice
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 cup water
  • Honey to taste
Combine first three ingredients in a glass. Then add water to dilute it and sweeten with honey to taste. It is okay to add more water if needed.
This drink is particularly good for the health of the kidneys, liver, bowels and lymphatic system, all of which help in one way or another to remove wastes and toxins from the body.

Green Tea Apple Cider Vinegar Drink for Weight Loss

  • 1 cup green tea
  • 1 tablespoon quality apple cider vinegar
  • Honey to taste
Prepare the green tea as directed. Let it cool down, then add the honey and the Apple Cider Vinegar .
Because of the green tea in this drink, it is excellent for metabolism-boosting and for weight loss. Green tea also has powerful detoxifying properties in its own right.
These drinks are all simple and inexpensive to make and taste delicious. If you can consume drinks with apple cider vinegar on a regular basis, you will not only be helping to promote overall health, weight loss and blood sugar control, but detoxifying on a regular basis and keeping yourself healthy as well.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday 12/28/14..... On the minute x8 - 10 TTB, 20 DUBS + AMRAP-15: 6 HSPU, 12KB, Run 200

1. OTM - 8
   10 TTB
   20 DUBS

2. AMRAP - 15
   6 HSPU
   12 KB swings
   200 meter Run

Detox the body with theses super foods:

If you want to detoxify the body without a cruel diet that causes you to feel hungry there is a way to do so. It is by adding natural detoxifying foods into your diet. To begin detoxifying your body now, view the list of detoxifying foods below.
#1 Brazilian Nuts
Eating high amounts of fish can cause mercury to build up in the body. Limiting your fish intake and consuming Brazilian nuts as a healthy snack can flush that toxic mercury right out of your body.
#2 Goji Berries
If you love snacking on dried fruits, consider adding goji berries to your list of snacks. Goji berries contain high amounts of vitamin C, which is necessary for ridding waste from your body’s systems. In addition, the berries also contains beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant essential for detoxifying the liver and improving the way it functions.
#3 Dried Seaweed
When you think of seaweed, you think of the ocean and fish food. Well, eating dried salty seaweed instead of snacking on potato chips is actually tasty and can provide your body with a nourishing dose of iodine, which is an essential nutrient for boosting the metabolism. Most importantly, seaweed has the ability to cleanse the body from lead, cadmium and radioactive chemical strontium.
#4 Raw Onions
Whether red, yellow or white, onions should be a staple food in your kitchen to cook with on a regular basis. Add this super food to all meals, salads and sandwiches and you will be doing your body a favor. This is because onions contain sulfur containing amino acids that are essential for detoxifying the body so you can feel better.
#5 Sesame Seeds
Are you looking for away to help protect your liver from alcohols and other toxins? If so, adding sesame seeds to smoothies, yogurts, casserole dishes, salads and meals can help.
#6 Beets
Some of the best root vegetables for flushing toxins out of the body and nourishing it with magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium are beets. Beets are also rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from free radical cells that cause cancer.
#7 Basil
Are you in need of an herb that protects the liver, and contains anti-bacterial properties and antioxidants? If so basil is the herb to use daily. Heck, you can even make a detoxifying herbal tea with it to sip on.
#8 Ginger Root
When you want to keep waste, moving out of your body daily, ginger root is necessary. Adding it to your daily diet cannot only help detoxifying your body, but it can help keep your metabolism in check and prevent certain types of cancers. Best of all, this herb contains anti-inflammatory properties and relieves aches and pains from the body. It can even help you sweat out dangerous toxins through your skin. Just make sure you take a hot shower after consuming this herb to help wash the toxic sweat down the drain.
#9 Pineapples
If you want to improve your digestive system and push toxins out the colon, pineapple is the fruit to eat. It contains high amounts of bromelain, which is an essential digestive enzyme.
#10 Avocados
Other tropical fruits rich in fiber and excellent for cleansing the colon are avocados. So, go ahead and enjoy some guacamole, or a few slices on a sandwich or salad.
Detoxifying the body does not have to be done unpleasantly. Instead, just add some super foods to your diet that have detoxifying properties. If the ones mentioned, do not please you, try artichokes, cinnamon, apples, fennel or parsley instead. Your body will thank you.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Saturday 12/27/14..... "Tabata"

1. Conditioning
Tabata Mash-up
With a running clock complete As Many Reps As Possible in 8 rounds of :20 on/:10 off of:
1. Wall Balls, 20/14
2. TTB
3. Row, for cals
4. Power Clean, 135/95
Complete all 8 intervals of one movement before moving to the next. Score is total reps for each movement.
300 movie backround

What is Tabata Training?

There are many different forms of workouts out there and each workout will give you a different result. Some increase muscle mass, some increase strength, others help you lose weight and so forth.

Cardiovascular (cardio for short) exercises are a popular brand of exercise designed to improve endurance and stimulate fat loss. Cardio exercises can be anything from long distance running, skipping, biking or even power walking. All of these usually fall under the category of moderate intensity training because they tend to last anywhere from a half hour to more than an hour going at the same pace.

“Tabata” is the name of a particular type of workout program that provides similar health benefits to that of cardio workouts, but Tabata has a bit more spice. Instead of hours upon hours or exercise, Tabata can be completed in 4 minutes. Tabata falls under the category of high intensity training or high intensity interval training. Today I write to explain to you the history of Tabata and exactly what it is.

How did Tabata come about?
Tabata was founded by a Japanese scientist named Izumi Tabata and fellow colleagues at a department of physiology in Japan. Izumi and his fellow scientists decided to conduct a study to compare moderate intensity training with high intensity training.

He conducted the tests on 2 groups of athletes; 1 of the groups used the moderate intensity interval training and the other using high intensity interval training.

In group one; the athletes were training in moderate intensity workouts (70% intensity) for five days a week for a total of six weeks with each training session lasting an hour.

Group two trained in the high intensity workouts for 4 days a week for a total of 6 weeks with each session lasting 4 minutes, at 20 seconds of intense training (170% intensity) and 10 seconds of rest.

What were the results of the tests?

Group 1 had a significant increase in the aerobic system (cardiovascular system). However, the anaerobic system (muscles) gained little or no results at all.

Group 2 showed much improvement in all their athletes. Their aerobic systems increased much more than group ones, and their anaerobic systems increased by 28%.

Conclusion? Not only did high intensity interval training have more of an impact on the aerobic systems; it had an impact on the anaerobic systems as well.