Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday 12/28/14..... On the minute x8 - 10 TTB, 20 DUBS + AMRAP-15: 6 HSPU, 12KB, Run 200

1. OTM - 8
   10 TTB
   20 DUBS

2. AMRAP - 15
   6 HSPU
   12 KB swings
   200 meter Run

Detox the body with theses super foods:

If you want to detoxify the body without a cruel diet that causes you to feel hungry there is a way to do so. It is by adding natural detoxifying foods into your diet. To begin detoxifying your body now, view the list of detoxifying foods below.
#1 Brazilian Nuts
Eating high amounts of fish can cause mercury to build up in the body. Limiting your fish intake and consuming Brazilian nuts as a healthy snack can flush that toxic mercury right out of your body.
#2 Goji Berries
If you love snacking on dried fruits, consider adding goji berries to your list of snacks. Goji berries contain high amounts of vitamin C, which is necessary for ridding waste from your body’s systems. In addition, the berries also contains beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant essential for detoxifying the liver and improving the way it functions.
#3 Dried Seaweed
When you think of seaweed, you think of the ocean and fish food. Well, eating dried salty seaweed instead of snacking on potato chips is actually tasty and can provide your body with a nourishing dose of iodine, which is an essential nutrient for boosting the metabolism. Most importantly, seaweed has the ability to cleanse the body from lead, cadmium and radioactive chemical strontium.
#4 Raw Onions
Whether red, yellow or white, onions should be a staple food in your kitchen to cook with on a regular basis. Add this super food to all meals, salads and sandwiches and you will be doing your body a favor. This is because onions contain sulfur containing amino acids that are essential for detoxifying the body so you can feel better.
#5 Sesame Seeds
Are you looking for away to help protect your liver from alcohols and other toxins? If so, adding sesame seeds to smoothies, yogurts, casserole dishes, salads and meals can help.
#6 Beets
Some of the best root vegetables for flushing toxins out of the body and nourishing it with magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium are beets. Beets are also rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from free radical cells that cause cancer.
#7 Basil
Are you in need of an herb that protects the liver, and contains anti-bacterial properties and antioxidants? If so basil is the herb to use daily. Heck, you can even make a detoxifying herbal tea with it to sip on.
#8 Ginger Root
When you want to keep waste, moving out of your body daily, ginger root is necessary. Adding it to your daily diet cannot only help detoxifying your body, but it can help keep your metabolism in check and prevent certain types of cancers. Best of all, this herb contains anti-inflammatory properties and relieves aches and pains from the body. It can even help you sweat out dangerous toxins through your skin. Just make sure you take a hot shower after consuming this herb to help wash the toxic sweat down the drain.
#9 Pineapples
If you want to improve your digestive system and push toxins out the colon, pineapple is the fruit to eat. It contains high amounts of bromelain, which is an essential digestive enzyme.
#10 Avocados
Other tropical fruits rich in fiber and excellent for cleansing the colon are avocados. So, go ahead and enjoy some guacamole, or a few slices on a sandwich or salad.
Detoxifying the body does not have to be done unpleasantly. Instead, just add some super foods to your diet that have detoxifying properties. If the ones mentioned, do not please you, try artichokes, cinnamon, apples, fennel or parsley instead. Your body will thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Ash and Amy got 8+ rounds
    Jan - 6+18 reps
    Su - 7 rounds
    Mo - 5+18 reps
