Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday 1/31/13 Double Under WOD

Warm Up: Row 1000 meters

CrossFit Canadian Regionals Workout #4
for time:
50 double unders
10 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
30 double unders
10 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees
Video – CrossFit Canadian Regionals Double-Under workout

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday 1/30/13 "Desforge"

Hero WOD- "Desforge"

12 Deadlifts
20 Pullups
12 Clean & Jerks
20 Knees to Elbows

Enlarge image
U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Joshua Desforges, 23, of Ludlow, Massachusetts, assigned to 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, was killed on May 12, 2010, while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his parents David and Arlene, and his loving sister Janelle.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday 1/29/13...SWOD- Back Squat, Hero WOD- Michael

Strength: Back Squat

Hero WOD: "Michael"
3 Rounds for time:
800 meter run
50 back extensions
50 sit ups

*found a nice guy for Jan!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday 1/26/13....Your choice- #1:3RFT-15 SDLHP,200 run,15 weighted sit ups,200 farmer walk..or..#2- 21 DL,farmer walk, 21 V-ups, run 400 15 DL, farmer walk,15 V-ups Run 400, 9 DL,farmer walk, 9 V-ups, Run400

Choose your WOD.....

#1- 3RFT:

200 Run
15 Weighted sit ups 25/35/45
200 Farmers Walk

#2- (one time through)

21 Deadlifts
200 Farmers Walk 35/45/55
21 V-ups
Run 400
15 Deadlifts
200 Farmers Walk
15 V-ups
Run 400
9 Deadlifts
200 Farmers Walk
9 V-sit ups
Run 400
* use a med ball to do the v-ups and go heavy on the deadlifts

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday 1/25/13..."Filthy 50"

For Time:

50 Box jumps

50 Jumping pull ups

50 KB swings 35/25

50 Walking lunges

50 Knee to Elbows

50 Push press 45/35

50 Back extension

50 Wall balls

50 Burpees

50 Double Unders

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday 1/24/13... SWOD - High Hang Snatches..then AMRAP-12... 20 steps OH lunge (right), 20 pull ups, 20 steps OH lunge(left), 15 TTB

5X5 unbroken high hang snatches (heaviest possible) rest 75 seconds
* These sets should be performed as quickly as possible. Do not rest in the hang, try to perform all 5 reps as quickly as possible.
12 minute AMRAP of:
20 steps OH walking Lunges (holding KB in right hand) 53/35
20 Pull-ups
20 steps OH walking Lunges (holding KB in left hand) 53/35
15 Toes to Bar

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday 1/22/13..."Running Dumbell Bear"


3 RFT or 4 rounds (for the over achievers)

10 Dumbell deadlift
10 Dumbell walking lunge steps
10 Dumbell squat cleans
10 Dumbell walking lunge steps
10 Dumbell thrusters
10 Dumbell walking lunges
400 meter run

*post time and weight used

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday 1/21/13...EMOM-7: 1 strict press,2 push press,3 push jerk then 3RFT- Run 200 25 pull ups Run 200, 25 jumping squats 45#

Strength: EMOM-7

1 strict press + 2 push press + 3 push jerks......(go heavy)


3 RFT-

Run 200
25 pull ups
Run 200
25 jumping squats 45#

Jump squats are a versatile movement that can be used to accomplish quite a few different things. They can build strength, speed, build power, improve rate of force development, and of course build up plyometric capacities. In addition they can be used at the beginning of a workout for no other purpose then to increase muscle motor unit recruitment and enhance subsequent strength work.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Saturday 1/18/13...10-SDLHP,20-wallball,30-hollow rocks,400 meter run

Conditioning WOD:

10 Sumo deadlift high pulls (95/65)
20 Wallballs
30 Hollow Rocks
400 Meter Run

Friday 1/18/13...."the Chief"



3 Power Cleans 135/95
6 Push ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute

*Last time we did this- October 2012.......

Matt- 95# 4-4-4-5-5+3

Suzanne-65# 3-4-4-4-4

Mo- 47# 4+3-4-4-4-5

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday 1/17/13...SWOD-back squats 3x10 then

Back Squat: 3X10 
ME HSPU ( sub shoulder press)
*Rest 30 seconds.
3 rounds for time of:
30 Double-Unders
 + 15 Pushups
*Rest 30 seconds.
*Rest 30 seconds.
3 rounds for time of:
30 Double-Unders
 +15 KBS 24/16kg
*Rest 30 seconds.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday 1/16/13......"Lynne"

Max effort DUBS/Singles - 90 seconds

WOD: "Lynne"

5 Rounds for max reps (not for time)
Body weight Bench Press
Pull Ups
*post total reps to comments

Max effort DUBS/Singles - 90 seconds

Don't forget to be awesome!  Hard not to do after finishing that WOD!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday 1/14/13...SWOD- HPC 5x3; Conditioning- "Heavy Metal"

Strength WOD: Hang Power Cleans 3-3-3-3-3

Conditioning WOD:
"Heavy Metal" AMRAP-16

In 16 minutes do as many rounds as possible of:

16 Kettlebell Swings 53/35#
16 Renegade Rows 35/25#

Friday, January 11, 2013

saturday 1/12/13....4RFT- DUBS, V-sit up, OH lunge, burpees

4 RFT:

40 Double Unders/200 singles
30 V sit ups w/med ball
20 Over Head walking lunges 45/25#
10 Burpees

If I pass out, please note my time!  Crossfit!

Friday 1/11/13...."Prisoner of War"


Run 400m

100 Thrusters #45/35

100 Push-Ups

Run 400m 

100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls #45/35

100 Sit-Ups

Run 400m 

*We did this in April. Matt=50+minutes; Mo=47:20

Add EFAs to Reduce Inflammation and Support Your Adrenals

(NaturalNews) EFAs are essential fatty acids, which we need to live but our bodies cannot create. So we need to take EFAs from outside sources.

Johanna Budwig, the creator of the Budwig Diet for successfully treating cancer, claimed before she died at age 95 in 2003 that she was given as much grief from the burgeoning heat processed hydrogenated trans-fatty acid cooking and salad oil industry as the cancer industry.

Budwig was a German biochemist whose research pioneered the classifications of fatty acids. She publicly announced often that those trans-fatty oils promoted to 1950s' housewives were worse than unhealthy; they caused disease. (

Simply put, all those industry-processed oils, shortenings, and margarines that were hydrogenated to lengthen shelf life should be avoided completely. Many of them are in processed foods and some are simply bottled and sold as salad or cooking oils.

Use only non-processed, cold-pressed oils for EFA benefits.

Fat food talk
Although all the different non-hydrogenated, unheated (cold or expeller-pressed), unprocessed fats have health benefits, too much omega-6, which is found predominantly in olive and other plant-based oils, can actually lead to inflammation.

Omega-3 curbs inflammation. That's why the balance of omega-6 to omega-3 is important.

It's estimated that over 90 percent of SAD (standard American diet) consumers are omega-3 deficient. Chronic inflammation is the source of coronary problems and some autoimmune diseases.

A good balance of omega-6 to omega-3 is 3:1 or better yet, 2:1. Most Americans are at 20:1, using mostly disease-causing trans-fatty acid hydrogenated oils.

Most oils contain an identifying predominant type of fatty acid with traces of the others. The only oil that has a good natural balance of all three omega fatty acids (3, 6, and 9) is non-THC hemp oil.

EFA (essential fatty acids) health benefits
We get enough omega-6 from olive and other vegetable oils, such as corn, sunflower, safflower, and soy. Just avoid all hydrogenated oils that are in most processed foods.

Omega-6 is a source of linoleic acid (LA), which is important for heart and artery health. Nevertheless, too much of this good thing creates inflammation, which is counterproductive and disease causing.

Omega-3 minimizes inflammation while providing other health benefits. Fish or fish oils, especially cold water fish, ground flax seeds consumed shortly after grinding in a coffee grinder, flax seed oil, chia seeds, walnuts and walnut oil are predominantly omega-3 sources.

The alpha linolenic acid (ALA) of plant based omega-3 converts into two other omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, if other nutrients are readily available. That's one reason why some prefer the fish or fish oil sources that already have EPA and DHA present. It certainly won't hurt to use both sources.

Keep in mind that well over half our brain tissue is composed of fats while our nervous system contains even more fats. All our cell walls are lipid (fat) walled. If they weren't, we would melt in the rain.

Omega-3 fatty acids help create cell walls that are fluid and        elastic, yet strong enough to hold things together. The ALA offspring of EPA and DHA are vital to brain and eye health.

Lately, a lot of research has been done on essential fatty acids, especially omega-3s. The health benefits include:

Increased energy, heightened and stabilized moods, and better brain functioning with less brain fog. Hormone production is better regulated. Adrenal glands stabilized. Less body fat is maintained. Joints and muscles become pain-free. Lower blood sugar counts are generated. EFAshelp prevent dementia, strokes, and inhibit tumors.

Those are a few of the benefits of adding omega balanced EFAs.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday 1/10/13......"Tiger Blood"

7 Rounds for Total Reps:

30 seconds of DUBS/Singles
*rest 30 seconds between rounds

WOD: "Tiger Blood":

3 Rounds for time-
10 clean and jerks
400 meter Run
*go for a bonus round if your up to it! 


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

SWOD- Overhead Squats 5x5 WOD...Run 400 then 21-15-9 wallball + pull up, Run 800 then 21-15-9 push ups + KB swings, Run 400

Overhead squat 5×5

For time, complete the following:
400m run, then
wall ball
pull up
800m run, then
Push ups
kb swing
400m run

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday 1/7/2013......135# - deadlift, HPC, Front squat, push jerk

Five Rounds for Time:

15 Deadlifts 135#
12 Hang Power Cleans 135#
9 Front Squats 135#
6 Push Jerks 135#

or...... we could Jon- ify it and do....

Three Rounds for time:
15 Deadlifts
12 Hang Power Cleans
9 Front Squats
6 Push Jerks
Run 400 Meters

*I know we have seen this picture many times before but this one has a great article that explains the difference between them -

Marathon Runner Vs Sprinter

Who has less body fat, a Marathon Runner or a Sprinter?
If you answered the Marathon Runner, you’d be wrong!
Which body is healthier?
Certainly not the Marathon Runner. His years of aerobic training have caused a build up of oxidative stress (free radicals) which speeds up aging.
Too much aerobic training have spiked his cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and lead to adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is associated with tiredness, allergies, frequent influenza, anxiety, depression, and the inability to lose weight. Not to mention the fact that aerobic training has permanently limited his performance in power and strength tasks. Less of the more desirable fast twitch muscle fibers is a direct result of him specialising in endurance sports.
In contrast with our Marathon Runner the Sprinter does interval training. Short bursts of intense effort (sprints) have caused him to build large amounts of functional muscle, while at the same time dropping his body fat below that of the Marathon Runner. The result for our sprinter a strong, powerful body built for health and performance.
So what can we learn from these two characters.
Don’t get me wrong. Long Slow Duration (LSD) training (E.g. Running, Cycling, Swimming etc at a constant pace) can be effective in fat loss but only to a certain extent. Participating in these activities over long periods of time not only can wreak havoc on your body, but it isn’t the ideal approach for dropping body fat either.
In comparison High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), when used correctly is a superior system to achieve better body composition. You will increase muscle, decrease body fat while still building a strong aerobic base.
Bottom Line: If better body composition is your goal (i.e. more muscle/less fat), train like the Sprinter not the Marathon Runner.
This entry was posted in CardioInterval Training

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday 1/05/2013......Metcon options

Option #1: 
50 meter Farmers walk
25 KB Swings
25 weighted sit ups - 25/35/45
25 Wall balls

Option #2:
200 meter run
25 jumping pull ups
20 wall balls
15 KB swings

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday 1/4/2013....21-15-9 push press, box jumps, hang power cleans

Warm up: 4 rounds - 
10 squats + 10 shoulder taps

SWOD: Back Squat - 5x5


Push press 155#
Box jump
Hang Power Clean

*option run between exercises-400 meters

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday 1/3/12...SWOD- Bench 4-4-4-4 WOD 5RFT...25 KB, 10 Burpee, 25 DUBS

Max effort in 2 minutes .... sit ups

Bench Press 4-4-4-4

25 KB Swings 53/35#
10 Burpees
25 DUBS / 100 Singles

Cash out: Max effort in 2 minutes - sit ups

Crossfit - the most interesting man in the world.