Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday 1/16/13......"Lynne"

Max effort DUBS/Singles - 90 seconds

WOD: "Lynne"

5 Rounds for max reps (not for time)
Body weight Bench Press
Pull Ups
*post total reps to comments

Max effort DUBS/Singles - 90 seconds

Don't forget to be awesome!  Hard not to do after finishing that WOD!

1 comment:

  1. DUBS- Ash-50 dubs
    Suze-198 singles
    Mo- 85 heavy rope

    Lynne-Ash- 46reps-55#bench + 25pull ups
    Suze-71reps-65#incline bench + 40pull ups
    Mo- 68reps- 65#bench + 60 pull ups
    every one did 4 rounds
