Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday 1/26/13....Your choice- #1:3RFT-15 SDLHP,200 run,15 weighted sit ups,200 farmer walk..or..#2- 21 DL,farmer walk, 21 V-ups, run 400 15 DL, farmer walk,15 V-ups Run 400, 9 DL,farmer walk, 9 V-ups, Run400

Choose your WOD.....

#1- 3RFT:

200 Run
15 Weighted sit ups 25/35/45
200 Farmers Walk

#2- (one time through)

21 Deadlifts
200 Farmers Walk 35/45/55
21 V-ups
Run 400
15 Deadlifts
200 Farmers Walk
15 V-ups
Run 400
9 Deadlifts
200 Farmers Walk
9 V-sit ups
Run 400
* use a med ball to do the v-ups and go heavy on the deadlifts

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