Monday, March 30, 2015

monday 3/30/15... HPC, STOH, Box jump

Odd- 30 Double Unders
Even- 15 shoulder press

5 Minute AMRAP
7 Hang Power Cleans (155,105)
7 Shoulder to Overhead
7 Box Jump Overs

Rest 3 Minutes

5 Minute AMRAP
7 Hang Power Cleans (175,115)
7 Shoulder to Overhead
7 Box Jump Overs

Rest 3 Minutes

5 Minute AMRAP
7 Hang Power Cleans (195,125)
7 Shoulder to Overhead
7 Box Jump Overs

Regional- 135/155/175, 95/105/115
Open- 115/135/155, 85/95/105

Natural Alternatives to Diet Pills

Weight loss is no easy task and it never has been. Perhaps that’s why the diet pill industry is such a booming enterprise. Every year a new diet pill comes out claiming to be the miracle pill that will solve all your overweight woes. However, each of these pills also comes with a series of side effects and health risks. Some are FDA approved, and others are unhealthy scams. If you aren’t ready to take the risk of diet pills, talk with your doctor about using these natural herbs that will deliver similar results in a healthier way.
  1. Milk Thistle
The medicinal benefits of milk thistle have been utilized for the last 2,000 years, and it has recently been revealed as an effective weight loss agent as well. It is used to detoxify and repair the liver, which in turn improves your metabolic function.
  1. Green Coffee
Green coffee beans are coffee beans in their most natural form: before they’re roasted. They’re loaded with antioxidants, caffeine, and chlorogenic acid. These ingredients are very helpful in boosting the metabolism, reducing cravings, and reducing fat storage. However the weight loss agents are cooked out after the roasting process, so regular coffee won’t do it for you.
  1. Calcium
Calcium is most commonly found in dairy products and it could be the secret to weight loss for women.According to WebMD, women who get their daily dose of dairy and don’t exceed their daily calorie limit don’t gain any weight associated with age. This is attributed to the high calcium content in dairy, which can also be found in leafy greens, seafood, legumes, and fruit.
  1. Fish Oil
Fish oil supplements help convert calories that contribute to reduced fat storage. The Omega 3 fatty acids in fish help to boost muscle growth, effectively cutting off fat conversions. The oil is also great for decreasing your appetite so that you snack less often between meals.
  1. Guggul
An herb native to India, guggul is known for its lipid-lowering properties. It not only lowers cholesterol levels for many users; it also helps to reduce body fat. It is full of antioxidants that help to reduce the oxidation of lipids, and thus help to cut fat storage.
  1. Natural Supplements
There are several natural weight loss supplements that have shown positive results. Unlike traditional diet pills, these supplements don’t use chemicals or man-made ingredients to advance weight loss. They are more like a multivitamin with specific vitamins that target increased metabolism, reduced fat conversions, and a healthier body overall. Before subscribing to these supplements, be sure that the ingredients are, indeed, all natural and that your doctor approves your use of them.
  1. Hibiscus Tea
This tart herbal tea is made with all natural ingredients, the key ingredient being an extract from the hibiscus flower. This tea has shown positive results in weight loss for two reasons: 1) Replacing coffee, soda, and other sugary beverages with this tea reduces your calorie and sugar intake, and 2) it helps you feel fuller longer without the extra calories.
  1. Reishi Mushrooms
This fungi native to Asia is often used to help the immune system, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart issues, and numerous other health conditions. However, it can also help you lose weight. The mushroom can increase your metabolism and burn more calories.
Each of these natural remedies have shown positive results in the past regarding weight loss. However, most are not without their side effects. Though many people don’t experience any adverse reactions to these natural remedies, others can have dangerous allergic reactions. Consult your doctor to ensure that you’re in optimal health before trying any natural remedy to lose weight.

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