Thursday, August 9, 2012

Friday August 10, 2012.....BlackHawk Down

Operation BlackHawk Down

Ruck in  
Run 1 mile w/ 25#

Ascend the cliff  
50 pull ups

Approach the objective  
4 rounds of:
25 walking lunges
25 squats

Attack the objective
4 rounds of:
25 push ups
run 100 meters

Load the wounded  
100 Hang Squat Clean (45# bar)

Descend the cliff  
50 pull ups

Ruck out
Run 1 mile w/ 25#


  1. Holy Sh*t! That was hard! 68 minutes. At least there were no casualties. I can't believe the last time we did this we ran 400 instead of 100m.

    Great job Wendy getting through this insane workout.

  2. 52:39, lots of fun like usual. Last mile run with 25# was pretty much a fast walk. Wendy did great for only her 5th or 6th CF WOD!!
