Thursday, August 16, 2012

Friday August 16, 2012..... farmer walk, 15 wallball, 20 dubs, 25 GHD

Farmers Walk...400 meters 45/35/25# plate

* each time you put the plate down, you owe a 5 burpee penalty to be paid off at the end of your walk

Met Con WOD
5 rounds for time:
15 wall balls
20 DUBs / 100 singles
25 GHD sit ups or weighted sit ups 25/45#


  1. 400 meter farmers walk w/35#plates -
    no penalties.....that hurt

    metcon- 17:01 DFL


    Jon- 14:02

  2. Did this one today and got 14:08, more importantly got 20 straight double unders for the first time on one of my sets!
