Sunday, August 12, 2012

Monday August 13, 2012.......shoulder press, push, jerk

Strength and Endurance........ Can we have both???

We’ve all heard the sayings, “You were born to run.” Or “Strong like a bull.” Some people you can tell were born to do certain things from their slow/fast twitch muscle fibres, body composition, mentality, etc. They are usually the ones getting medals at the Olympics…
For the average or above average athlete, we do our sport for fun, to stay in shape, and because it’s a passion we have. If this is the case, why not be the “fastest bull” you can possibly be? Why not leak into both ends of the parabola? You won’t be the best in one area but you will be pretty damn good in all areas. Who wouldn’t want that?
Look at pics of hardcore endurance athletes and hardcore lifters. Do you want to look like either of those people? Now look at Rich Froning and Camille…Compare all of them and tell me who looks the healthiest, strongest, fastest, and most importantly…Better naked!
This is where CrossFit comes in. The whole philosophy of CF is simple…”Train not to suck at life.” We want you to be good in every area of your life. We want you to be able to deadlift  2x you bodyweight with ease, run a sub 40min 10k, and have a sub 4min Fran time. Are those the greatest numbers in the world, nope. Are they pretty damn respectable and will make you a better overall person in fitness and life, HELL YES!
CrossFit understands that everyone has specific goals so they cater to the masses. If you want more endurance training there is CF Endurance. If you want more strength and explosiveness there is CF Football. If you want more olympic lifting there is a ton of Oly sites out there. If you want GPP (General Physical Preparedness) there is Everything is out there to make you “have your cake and eat it too.” …Without sacrificing the ten fitness domains.
Here is a nice little article about an endurance athlete who’s performance was suffering, and she was  feeling and looking like death. Her coach said she was going to incorporate CrossFit and changed up her training with CF and CF Endurance WODs. The results were pretty amazing.
“So am I an endurance athlete or am I a CrossFitter?  I am an athlete. Period.”


Five rounds of:
95lb/65lb Shoulder press (max reps)

95lb/65lb Push press (max reps)

95lb/65lb Push jerk (max reps)

Post number of reps for each round to comments.
* Note….. This is a shoulder progression wod.
Move from Shoulder Press to Push Press to Push Jerk without putting the bar down.


  1. 86 with 95#... gotta work on those push jerks though!

  2. That was rx'd, Jim so not so shabby after relaxin in Hawaii.

    96 reps for me w/only 45# but I can still feel the burn!

  3. My new home favorite:

    1 mile run
    Fran (w 35 db.) 5:15
    1 mile run

    Glad to see Jim's back.
