Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thursday August 9, 2012.........The "Jerk"

The “Jerk”

The CrossFit training philosophy revolves around using functional exercises for a constantly varied cycle of workouts. The functional exercises range from major lifts, such as the deadlift and squat, to basic bodyweight movements, such as pullups and pushups. One of the most advanced lifts to build total body strength is the push jerk -- an overhead lift using a barbell and weights.
Every CrossFit exercise follows a specific technique and range of motion for safety and to increase the effectiveness of the movement. The push jerk isn't any different. The push jerk starts with the barbell supported in the racked position on the front of your shoulders and top of the chest. Begin the movement by dipping into a quarter-squat and driving the barbell to the overhead position as you catch the bar in a partial squat. Finish the push jerk by standing up to fully open the hips.



Conditiong WOD........1 RFT

7 clean and jerks ( BW/75%BW )

50 push ups

5 clean and jerks

75 sit ups

3 clean and jerks

100 air squats

1 clean and jerk

*post time and load to comments

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