Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday 5/5/14.....WOD: 25 TTB,25 back squats,100 sit ups,25 back squats,25 TTB

Time for another challenge -        "The Wallball"
We will do this once a week.
Week #1 - 12 wallball shots in 30 seconds

Here is the technique and challenge rules:

  This exercise is mostly a front squat and push-press combination.  Awkward, and exhausting, yes.  But, the functionality of throwing or shooting an object from overhead and standing up is evident!
Here’s a breakdown of the move, as detailed in the CrossFit Journal, for all you curious folks:
When perfected, each shot looks identical to the one before, and the ball’s contact and departure are gentle and smooth.  If the athlete endeavors to quiet the drill, the benefit to mechanics and breathing technique are immense.
The wall ball drill can be made as difficult as needed by increasing the weight of the ball, moving back from the target, or raising the target.
Now here’s a challenge! Are you up for it?
Start and see how long you can continue hitting these milestones:

30 seconds: 12 shots
1 minute: 25 shots
1 ½ minutes: 37 shots
2 minutes: 50 shots
2 ½ minutes: 62 shots
3 minutes: 75 shots
3 ½ minutes: 87 shots
4 minutes: 100 shots
4 ½ minutes: 112 shots
5 minutes: 125 shots
5 ½ minutes: 137 shots
6 minutes: 150 shots
On failure, rest and try again. Over time you want to get to where you can do 150 shots in 6 minutes or less.  (The best time for 150 shots at a target 10 feet high with a 20-pound ball belongs to Mike Weaver at 4:52.)

Here are some Wall Ball technique fundamentals:
         Each rep begins with a rock bottom squat,  feet flat on the floor
         Keep the elbows down and in
         Keep the ball low to the chest
         Don’t let the ball obstruct your view of target
         Launch with little finger roll and push (Hard to picture, so play around with it.)
         Make ascending and descending movements the same
         Minimize breathing and ball contact noise
         Breath deeply and attempt to synchronize your breathing to your shot rate
As much as we love to groan when they come up in a WOD, Wall-Balls comprise two highly functional and classic weightlifting movements brought together at light loads and extended duration to create a super-potent metabolic conditioning tool with an enormous potential for increasing athletic performance.

Conditioning WOD:
25 TTB
25 Back squats
100 Sit ups
25 Back squats
25 TTB

1 comment:

  1. Dot - 13:20 w/65#
    Betty - 12:50 w/21#
    Mo - 12:01 w/75#
