Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday 5/21/14... SWOD: Shoulders, WOD: 4 rounds - 400 meter run,10 Front squats 95/65,40 Lunges, 10 Push jerks

SWOD: Find your 1 rep max for each - press, push and jerk

WOD: 4 rounds for time
400 meter run
10 front squats 95/65
40 lunges
10 push jerks 95/65

Pardon the language, but it's true!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot how hard this one was....... rubber legs by the last round

    Brit - 25:39 RX
    Dot - 31:32 w/ 45# (3.5 minutes faster and heavier - 27#- than last time)
    Mo - 30:48 w/55#
