Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday 6/30/15..."Heartbreak Kid"

1. “Heartbreak Kid”
     3 RFT:
10 Front Squats, 185/135
20 C2B
50 DU

2.  Skills
EMOM x 10:  10 TTB


Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday 6/29/15...5 MINUTES +

#1. In 5 minutes - Run 400 + w/remaining time amrap (as many reps as possible) Wallballs
   Rest 1 minute
#2. In 5 minutes - Run 400 + amrap Lateral hops over bumper plate
     Rest 1 minute
#3. In 5 minutes - Run 400 meters + amrap KB swings
     Rest 1 minute
#4. In 5 minutes - Run 400 + amrap Toes to bar
* * score = total reps completed for each exercise

Katelyn warming up for Sunday's hang power clean WOD

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday 6/28/15..... Slamballs and HPC


Slam balls (20/30)
Hang power Cleans (95/65)

* 25 DUBs after odd rounds
  200 meter run after even rounds

from Natural News:
7 Incredible benefits of Almond Milk

Almond milk is more beneficial and nutritious than ordinary dairy milk, due to the fact that it contains much more nutrients and it has not been subjected to the same processing. It is also an ideal alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or have allergies to soy. Almond milk, like soy milk, is a perfect alternative to cow’s milk and has a surprisingly rich & creamy taste.
One of the reasons for the popularity of almond milk in the Middle Ages was its high protein content, and its ability to keep better than milk from dairy sources. If cow, sheep, or goat milk wasn’t prepared quickly to make cheese or butter, it soon soured. Almond milk, conversely, could be made as needed, in the quantities needed. Further, dry almonds were easy to store and did not require the cold temperatures for storing fresh milk.

7 Health Benefits Of Almonds Milk

Low in Fat and Calories
Almond milk is a great milk substitute choice for those who are trying to lower their fat and calorie intake. Almond milk is very low in calories; it has only 40 calories per serving. It contains about three grams of fat per serving, but they’re all healthy fats that help protect your heart and preserve cognitive function.
Strong Bones
Almond milk contains 30% of our recommended daily value of calcium and 25% of Vitamin D. These nutrients work together to build strong bones in men, women, children and infants.
Vitamin D also helps improve immunity and cell function. Some studies have shown that Vitamin D helps decrease osteoporosis and even Alzheimer’s disease. The magnesium in found in almond milk helps absorb more of the calcium provided by the nutritious beverage.
High in Antioxidants
Almond milk is a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E, so it can help prevent cancer and slow the signs of aging. The flavonoids in almond milk also help to reduce the number of free radicals in the body, protecting you from a number of degenerative diseases that occur with again, such as osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes.
No Lactose
Lactose intolerance impacts about 25% of the US population, which means they have difficulty digesting the sugar in cow’s milk. This makes almond milk a suitable, lactose-free substitute.
Control blood sugar
Almond milk (with no additives) is low in carbs, which means it won’t significantly increase your blood sugar levels, reducing your risk for diabetes. Because of its low glycemic index, your body will use the carbs as energy so the sugars aren’t stored as fat.
Good Heart Health
Almond milk contains no cholesterol and only 5 mg of sodium per serving. Consuming foods low in sodium and cholesterol help us to maintain better heart health and normal blood pressure.
Without cholesterol, almond milk also decreases our chances of gaining bad cholesterol levels, all while increasing the good cholesterol levels. Almond milk also contains 150 mg of potassium in every serving. This mineral works to promote healthy blood pressure.
Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention
I mentioned that almond milk is packed with Vitamin D which is known to improve cell function and immunity, and this has also been proven that it can help decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Almond milk is great for cereals, desserts, and savory-sweet dishes. Almonds are an alkaline nut, and one serving provides ⅓ of your daily dose of vitamin E.
Almond Milk Recipe
4 cups water
1 cup almonds, soaked overnight and rinsed
2 tbsp agave nectar
1 tsp vanilla extract, or vanilla seeds scraped from bean
1⁄8 tsp kosher salt
Add water and soaked almonds to jar in order listed and secure lid. Select “Whole Juice.” Strain milk through nut milk bag or cheesecloth to remove almond skins and pulp.*
Rinse blender jar, place strained almond milk back in jar with remaining ingredients and secure lid. Press “Pulse” 3–5 times to combine thoroughly. Serve or store in refrigerator for up to 3 days.
*Nutritional information will vary based on how much almond pulp is removed from milk.
Sources Of Article:

Saturday, June 27, 2015

No Bake Sticky Berry Bars -from PALEOMG

No Bake Sticky Berry Bars
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 5
  • 12 medjool dates, pits removed
  • 1 cup cashews
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch of salt
For the toppings
  • 6-8 oz blackberries
  • 6-8 oz blueberries
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • ¼ cup Coconut Cream Concentrate
  • sprinkle of cinnamon
  • pinch of salt
  1. First make your crust. Add all ingredients for the crust to a food processor.
  2. Put crust ingredients in an bread pan, press down until evenly distributed.
  3. Now heat up a small saucepan under medium heat. Add your blackberries and blueberries, along with your maple syrup.Be sure to continuously stir so the mixture doesn’t stick to the bottom or burn.
  4. Once you have almost a runny jam, add your melted/softened coconut cream concentrate along with cinnamon and salt.
  5. When all ingredients are incorporated, pour mixture on top of crust and press flat. Put in the fridge to harden for 30-45 minutes.
  6. Cut into squares and serve!!
I could have eaten the whole batch so how am I suppose to know how many people it serves?

saturday 6/27/15..."PET ROCK''

#1. Strength: EMOM - 5
     5 Back squats

#2. FROM CROSSFIT 603 - Partner WOD

“Pet Rock”
1600m relay row (200m at a time)

40/40 Knees to elbows
/toes to bar

30/30 Push-ups

50/50  abmat sit-ups

40/40 Jump squats (empty bar)

60/60 Push press (45#/35#)

1600m relay row (200m at a time)

*For this workout you will have a pet rock, the pet rock will be a 1 pood kettle bell for both women and men. One person will be doing the work, while the other one will be resting holding the “pet rock”. The pet rock does not like to be dropped, so if you do drop it you must immediately do 10 burpees, each person, before continuing on. You can hold the “pet rock” by any means necessary as long as it does not touch the ground.
Fine Print Rules:
1. Only one partner can be working at a time. Each partner does the total amount of reps posted before the other partner works. For the row the partners switch every 200 meters.
2. The other partner must be holding the KB while the other partner works. The KB can NEVER hit the ground.
3. If the object is placed on the ground at any time, each person must immediately drop to the ground and do 10 burpees each.

  from PALEO GRUBS                              

  1. Whisk vanilla, coconut milk, honey, salt, coconut flakes, pecans, and cinnamon together.
  2. Refrigerate for a minimum of 4 hours or until mixture thickens.
  3. Once thickened dip your apple slices in your dip and enjoy!