Saturday, June 27, 2015

saturday 6/27/15..."PET ROCK''

#1. Strength: EMOM - 5
     5 Back squats

#2. FROM CROSSFIT 603 - Partner WOD

“Pet Rock”
1600m relay row (200m at a time)

40/40 Knees to elbows
/toes to bar

30/30 Push-ups

50/50  abmat sit-ups

40/40 Jump squats (empty bar)

60/60 Push press (45#/35#)

1600m relay row (200m at a time)

*For this workout you will have a pet rock, the pet rock will be a 1 pood kettle bell for both women and men. One person will be doing the work, while the other one will be resting holding the “pet rock”. The pet rock does not like to be dropped, so if you do drop it you must immediately do 10 burpees, each person, before continuing on. You can hold the “pet rock” by any means necessary as long as it does not touch the ground.
Fine Print Rules:
1. Only one partner can be working at a time. Each partner does the total amount of reps posted before the other partner works. For the row the partners switch every 200 meters.
2. The other partner must be holding the KB while the other partner works. The KB can NEVER hit the ground.
3. If the object is placed on the ground at any time, each person must immediately drop to the ground and do 10 burpees each.

  from PALEO GRUBS                              

  1. Whisk vanilla, coconut milk, honey, salt, coconut flakes, pecans, and cinnamon together.
  2. Refrigerate for a minimum of 4 hours or until mixture thickens.
  3. Once thickened dip your apple slices in your dip and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Lucky for us we used a 35# "pet rock"..... so no penalties but TOUGH WOD
    Su/Mo - 43:50
    Jo/Ruthie - 45:22
