Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday 6/9/16... THRUSTERS

Strength: Back Squat 3 x 2
Skill: Max Rep Double Unders in 2 Minutes (x2)
WOD: 3 Rounds
20 Thrusters (95/65)
*1:00 Rest Between Rounds

Top 10 (Thiamine) Vitamin B1 Foods

vitamin b1 foods - Dr.Axe
Thiamine also known as vitamin B1, is a water soluble vitamin commonly found in most foods.
Like most of the B-vitamins, thiamine plays a role in how our body uses energy from food and is vital for cellular function.
Thiamine specifically helps the body convert carbohydrates to energy which is important for metabolism, focus and strength.
Thiamine B1 deficiency is caused by consuming a diet low in animals products and overconsumption of alcohol.
The most common vitamin B1 deficiency symptoms include:
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Gut issues
  • Muscle wasting
  • Neurological degeneration
It also plays a role in healthy liver function and is needed for healthy skin, eyes, hair, and nails. Most foods are a good source of thiamine. The RDA for thiamine is 1.2 mg/day for men and 1.1 mg/day for women. The Daily Value is 1.5mg.
Check out these top 10 Vitamin B1 Foods.

Top 10 Vitamin B1 Foods

1) Green Peas1 cup: 0.386 mg (26% DV)
2) Asparagus1 cup: 0.19mg (13% DV)
3) Brussels Sprouts1 cup: 0.122 mg (8% DV)
4) Sesame Seeds2 Tbsp: 0.142 mg (9% DV)
5) Sunflower seeds¼ cup: 0.17 mg (11% DV)
6) Pistachios1 oz: 0.247 mg (16% DV)
7) Herring1 filet: 0.105 mg (7% DV)
8) Crimini mushrooms1 cup: 0.068 mg (4.5% DV)
9) Ground flaxseed1 Tbsp: 0.115 mg (8% DV)
10) Spinach1 bunch: 0.265 mg (18% DV)

Top Health Benefits of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Thiamine deficiencies are relatively rare since the vitamin is plentiful in most foods, but a deficiency can cause Beriberi, the symptoms of which include heart failure, muscle weakness, confusion, and a burning sensation in the hands and feet.
Eye HealthThiamine may help reduce the risk of cataracts by working together with omega-3 and omega-6 fats to improve eye health.  Also, consider adding more vitamin A rich foods into your diet to improve vision.
Alzheimer’s diseaseLack of thiamine can cause confusion in dementia. This is especially common in alcoholics who lose a lot of B-vitamins due to dehydration and improper diet. Elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease also tend to have lower levels of thiamine in the blood than those without the disease.
But, at this point the exact connection between thiamine levels and the development of Alzheimer’s disease is still unclear. Administration of thiamine to Alzheimer’s patients has shown an improvement in cognitive abilities.

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