Monday, July 2, 2012

TUESDAY JULY 3 3RFT...800 meter run,15DL,12HPC,9FS,6 shoulder to overhead


800 meter run

15 dead lift (95/65#)

12 hang power cleans (95/65#)

9 front squats

6 shoulder to overhead


  1. Good wod. I hope everyone has a great 4th.

  2. Dave who? ;)

    I modified this to get some heavy in:

    2 Rounds of the 15 DL, 12 HPC, 9 FS, 6 STO progression with 135 lbs and 1 mile run each round.

  3. Jon - You're a psycho! I did this WOD as RX'd by myself, took me 35 minutes.

  4. Sorry I didn't let you know I wasn't coming Matt, I had to go in @ 7 am. I'm way behind on the heavy stuff this summer, so I'm trying to make up for lost time. I love the DL, HPC, FS, STO progression, always one of my favorites, right up there with the Bear.
