Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday 8/15/15... #1. SWOD: pause squats 6x1; #2.EMOM- 8 ; #3. 4 Rounds - 20 wallballs + 10 deadlifts

#1. SWOD: pause squats 6x1 (:30 sec pause at bottom)

#2. EMOM-8
     odd= 10 pvc pass throughs
     even= 10 KB swings

#3. WOD: 4 rounds for time
     20 wallballs
     10 deadlifts

This looks super easy to make:


Paleo Peach Crumble | The Paleo Diet

Special thanks and congratulations to Gabriella Bruxelle, The Paleo Diet Recipe Contest Winner
If peaches are in season, this is a must-bake recipe: scrumptious, sweet, summery peaches with a delectable crunchy topping – who could resist this Paleo Peach Crumble?


Serves 4
  • 4 large peaches, peeled and sliced (if frozen, thaw first)
  • 1/4 cup shredded organic coconut
  • 1/4 cup chopped almonds, walnuts or favorite raw nuts
  • 2-4 Tb. honey or maple syrup, to taste
  • 4 Tb. coconut oil, melted


1. Place peaches in a square 8×8 pan
2.In a bowl, mix shredded coconut, nuts, and honey
3. Crumble on top of peaches  
4. Sprinkle coconut oil over the top
5. Bake 30 min at 350° F

Live Well, Live Longer.
The Paleo Team

1 comment:

  1. Pause squats: Ruthie - 30#; Ellen - 30#; KT - 45#; Mo - 45#; Suze - 65#
    WOD change...10 deadlifts,10 pullups,10 wallballs
    WOD: Ellen - 13:50 (assisted pull ups); KT - 11:10 w/95#, Suze - 14:03 w/135#; Ruthie - 13:16 w/65#; Mo - 12:47 w/95#
