Tuesday, August 25, 2015

TUESDAY 8/25/15.... #1 Farmers Carry; #2 3 rounds: 200m run then AMRAP burpees, Row 250 then AMRAP thrusters

from crossfit southie:

Farmer’s Carry
(work up to max weight for 50 ft)

3 Rounds
In 2 Minutes Complete
200m Run

Rest 1 Minute

In 2 Minutes Complete
250m Row
Thrusters (95,65)

Rest 1 Minute

Himalayan Salt: Most Purest Salt, It Can Treat Over 15 Diseases

Himalayan pink salt comes from rock salt deposits over 250 million years old in or around the Himalayan mountain range in asia and mostly found in india, pakistan and srilanka. Himalayan salt is the 100% healthiest and purest salt hailing from a pristine area deep in the Himalayan mountain range. It is also known as “pink gold”. From ancient times it is used as valuable foods in the human diet.
Himalayan salt- composition
The salt’s vibrant pink color is a result of naturally present trace mineral elements found in the salt, which are essential to human health. It contains 84 precious elements that are found in our body, thus supplying our body with all the necessary and essential minerals.
Health benefits of himalayan salt
Himalayan Salt helps  to clears mucous and phlegm in the lungs, particularly in asthma and cystic fibrosis.
Himalayan Salt helps the kidney to pass excess acidity into the urine.
Himalayan Salt is a great source of all essential minerals and every necessary trace mineral essential to human health.
Himalayan Salt regulates your blood pressure, if you take in moderation with water.
Himalayan Salt balances the sugar levels in the blood.
It helps to prevents gout and gouty arthritis.
It Stabilizes irregular heartbeats and calms anxiety.
Great for preventing muscle cramps.
Stops excess saliva production.
Increasing libido performance.
Great anti-aging salt.
Generates hydroelectric energy in your body’s cells.
Restores the body’s alkaline & electrolyte balance.

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