Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday 8/12/15.... 50 front squats, 50 HPC, 50 Push press

With the same bar (95/65) perform the following:

50 Front Squats

50 Hang Power Cleans

50 Push Press

* the bar may not touch the ground

* the bar may rest in the front rack position, the hang position or in the hip crease

* penalty for putting the bar down= 200 meter run/ 250 row

1 comment:

  1. Britt - 24:31 Rx w/5 penalties
    Ruthie - 30:25 (35#) w/5 penalties
    Suze - 37:40 Rx w/7 penalties
    Mo - 39:48 (55#) w/7 penalties
