Saturday, August 8, 2015

Saturday 8/8/15..."Painstorm"

#1. EMOM- 10
     odd= 20 DUBS
     even= 10 pvc pass throughs

#2. Conditioning:


100 Air squats
90 sit ups
80 Dubs/240 singles
70 lunges
60 wall balls
50 back extensions
40 alternating DB snatches
30 KB swing
20 stone to shoulder
10 Burpees

** when we get to wallballs we can partner up but will still have to do the prescribed # of reps :)

1 comment:

  1. painful.... just ask Ellen :)
    Suze= 35:00
    Ellen= 40:02
    Jo= 37:57
    M0= 40:27
