Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday 12/7/15... #1. core, #2. AMRAP - 17, #3. Row

#1. Core: 3 rounds: (not for time)
     30 sit ups
     20 hollow rocks
     10 side planks (each side)

#2. WOD: AMRAP - 17
     10 renegade rows 20/30
     100 meter sprint
     20 hand to hand KB swings
     100 meter sprint

#3. Row x3
     250 meters

Taking Care of Your Colon and Digestive Tract Health (naturally)

The health of your digestive tract is directly linked to the health of your entire body. This is mainly determined by the food and drinks that you consume. Your digestive tract delivers nutrients to absorption and digestion areas; and when it is in good condition, it does this efficiently and benefits your health.

What you Consume Matters

Ideally, it would be best to consume the highest quality foods, including the freshest ingredients and organic nutrients. A transition from boxed and canned foods to whole (fresh, organic) food will aid in getting the health of a digestive tract back in shape. In addition to this, it is recommended to have a mix of raw and cooked foods in every meal, having 80% of the meal being beneficial vegetables.
Also during every meal, it is pertinent to chew thoroughly. The saliva in your mouth helps to aid in the digestion process by using enzymes to break down the food. Not chewing thoroughly makes digestion a bit more difficult on the stomach.

What Happens in the Stomach and Small Intestine?

When food reaches the stomach, it begins to break down while waiting to pass into the small intestine. Stomach acid (HCI) destroys detrimental bacteria and parasites, and triggers an enzyme called pepsin which breaks down the food.
Poor diet, age, and lifestyle habits can cause your body to become too acidic. When this is the case, the body does not produce this stomach acid, leading food to resist digestion and become fermented, causing illness. Bloating, gas, and heartburn are all caused by low HGI. It is possible to take a supplement that has HCI and pepsin in it to aid the stomach with digesting proteins.
The small intestine absorbs 90% of nutrients and taking a digestive enzyme with each meal can help with the digestion overall, and helps to extract the nutrients from food that is eaten. The enzyme called pancreatin helps to avoid bloating and gas as well as other discomforts associated with difficult digestion from the lack of digestive enzymes.

What Else Aids in Digestion

Prebiotics and probiotics are the microfloras that help to digest food and keep immune systems strong. These can be taken daily in pill form, as liquids, and even in cultured vegetables. Apple cider vinegar is a prebiotic that can be added to a salad as a dressing. Adding prebiotics and probiotics to your diet is quite simple.
Avoid soda and coffee, as these do dehydrate the body. Filtered water, probiotic liquids, and herbal teas provide energy and hydration.

Lemon Water to Aid in Digestion

Adding lemon water to daily liquid intake stimulates digestion and can effectively do away with constipation. Consuming lemon honey water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will improve the bowel system and allow maintenance for the whole day.
To ensure the health of a digestive tract, the simplest act is to be mindful of what is being consumed for food. Maintaining a balance of nutrient rich foods as well as hydrating liquids is a great way to start.

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